Politics here and there.

Welcome!  We are all part of a great adventure here.  Thank you for joining the fun!  We will be looking at the politics and the local interest of the South jersey area. We will are an investigative New Paper with a strong political bent but we will not fore go the other parts of SNJ either.

We will be investigating and exposing short comings of our leaders.

We will be delving into the issues that matter.

We will have multiple section with many topics.  This will give our followers diverse articles that will be enjoyable, thought provoking, not boring, and educational

Will be your voice, please help us and be our ears.

This publication is for all to contribute to.  With that in mind please contact us with any story suggestions, comments, concerns, or issues.  We welcome and encourage feed back and contributions.

My Name is DR Smith, editor in chief.  I am your captain for this great adventure.

Myself and my crew are honored to be here to share in the undertaking with you.  Thank you.

-DR Smith

Quis Custodiet Ipsos Custodes?  We do!