Every wonder if any politicians actually listen? Every wonder who they do listen to?

There is an old movie that I watched long, long ago on TV when I was about 15. Although I cannot remember the name of the movie, I will never forget the plot and a particularly haunting scene. The film takes place in a country taken over by a tyrant. The Soviets come in and take a peasant husband away to prison. The story unfolds in two places – showing the struggles of the husband, and at the same time the struggles of his beautiful and sweet, loving wife who is left abandoned to rear her children without the love of her life. One day the poor wife goes to her local “representative” to plead her case. She is sitting in front of the official and wringing her hands and earnestly telling the tale of the what happened to her husband. The official shows great concern and listens intently, writing every word down. The camera cuts to the pad on which he is writing – the camera reveals a truth – the official is doodling!

Does any of this sound familiar to anyone out there? Or should I say, does this FEEL familiar? Do you call, write, email your elected officials and get sympathetic responses while at the same time nothing happens?

Many years ago I felt that way. Living in South Jersey I would call my senators and my congressman from Montana. Sometimes I raised my voice in utter frustration. Then one day a miracle happened. My husband called our congressman at his office in Montana. The woman talking to him on the phone showed me that all was not lost – that there WERE people in elected office who DID listen to individuals. My husband asked a question of the woman and she answered honestly that she did not know the answer. Something inside my husband snapped, he yelled at her at the top of his lungs. I saw the pain in his face as he yelled. I knew he felt like the futures of our children would mean total loss of freedom. But instead of hanging up on my husband, this woman – a true angel– calmed him down by talking sincerely about how her job worked – she even described the “call sheet” she used to write down every word of every constituent that called her. She further educated him on the next step – that every morning our congressman called her office and “met” with her regarding every single call she received the day before. I took the phone and she carefully went through her details with me.

From that point on, this woman – this angel – this Esther – became my friend. She created a “Cathy File” and filed every email that I sent her. I sent her information that I found on Discover the Networks; I sent her articles and loads of other information. In her “Cathy File” she organized the documents by subject and from time to time she would call me and let me know how when some big issue came up she would consult her “Cathy File” and often find documentation that helped her boss.

Two powerful events happened in which this Esther showed her true value.

First, she personally influenced Rep. Rehberg to listen to my request to allow Kitty Werthmann (not a constituent) to come to speak to him in his office. He scheduled to meet with her over his full lunch hour. The day before his meeting with her he was in a boat accident. Instead of cancelling – he had his top aide meet with her. Kitty told me that when she went into the meeting with the young man, she decided to get straight to the point. “I looked him in the eye,” she said, “I told him I came to meet with him of my own free will to let him know what was at stake. The young man’s eyes grew big and wide and he picked up his pen and pad and wrote down every word I spoke.” No doodling.

Second incident centered around a statue of Jesus in the Glacier Mountains. I gathered up the stories, gleaned everything I could find at Discover the Networks about the assault on Christianity and bundled my info up to send to my Esther.

She immediately called Rep. Rehberg. He lost no time to craft legislation to stop this attack from the Freedom from Religion Foundation. (Here is just one story about the statue and Rehberg’s fight to defend it:  Rehberg promises to stand watch over Jesus statue,  By TRISTAN SCOTT of the Missoulian Jul 16, 2012 http://missoulian.com/news/state-and-regional/rehberg-promises-to-stand-watch-over-jesus-statue/article_683cfaa4-cfa9-11e1-a275-001a4bcf887a.html).

God gives us bad experiences to enable us to recognize the magnificent and miraculous. If I always had the best results with elected officials and their staffers – I never would have appreciated an Esther when I saw her.

Sadly, Rehberg lost his seat. But “Esther” was able to retain her job with the good man who replaced Rehberg. She is just as valuable now as she was then.

My friend in Jersey told me the story of another elected official who outshines Rep. Rehberg. This man was a Democrat from Philadelphia. He went to work in Washington every day and came home to his family every evening. He went to mass daily and every evening, after having quality time with his wife and children, set up shop to work on the concerns of every constituent that came to visit him. He worked until midnight most nights.  His fellow Democrats hated him – but he was always re-elected because he sincerely considered his constituents the most important part of his job – not speeches before this group and that – not catering to special interests and lobbyists with big bucks – but his constituents.  AND HE MET WITH HIS CONSTITUENTS PERSONALLY!!!

Look for that person – look for the man or woman who will see elected office as a service to the people who voted for him – not as a means to celebrity.

Look for that person who will gather “Esthers” to keep him on his toes and who listen intently to the constituents when they call and react with maturity and true sincerity.
If yours is not that way, start looking for new candidates who will understand the meaning of statesman.


Woodbine—Mayor William Pikolycky is pleased to announce that Governor Christie has announced that Woodbine has been awarded a $9,407.73 2016 New Jersey Clean Communities grant from the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection.
Woodbine has received nearly $80,000 from this program over the past two decades that it has been implemented.
As established by law, the nonprofit New Jersey Clean Communities oversees the reporting requirements for the program. The grants are funded by a legislated user fee on manufacturers, wholesalers and distributors that produce litter-generating products. Disbursements to municipalities are based on the number of housing units and miles of municipally owned roadways within each municipality.
Litter comes from pedestrians, motorists, overflowing household garbage, construction sites and uncovered trucks, and is often blown by the wind until it is trapped somewhere, as along a fence or in a ditch or gully.  People tend to litter when an area is already littered, and when they do not feel a sense of ownership or community pride. In addition to being unsightly, litter is unhealthy and may create a negative public image.

Activities that can be funded by the grants include cleanups of stormwater drainage systems that can disperse trash into streams; volunteer cleanups of public properties; adoption and enforcement of local anti-littering ordinances; beach cleanups (such as have been participated in by Borough students); public information and education programs; and purchases of litter collection equipment, litter receptacles, recycling bins, anti-litter signs, and supplies to remove graffiti.

“This continued funding will allow Woodbine to heighten its clean-up initiative throughout the Borough, at the same time creating public awareness concerning our litter-related ordinances,” added Mayor Pikolycky.
                                                                                CONTACT: Mayor’s Office
                                                                                (609) 861-5301
                                                                                 11 May      2016



May 10, 2016

Middle Township- The Regular Meeting of Committee Township took place May 2 to a standing room only crowd. They came to see and maybe even start some fireworks. No one was disappointed.

There were winners, losers and combatants. There were plenty of fireworks especially between the former MAYOR, Tim Donohue and recently elected DEPUTY MAYOR DeVico. The two elected representatives for Middle Township did everything but engage in hand to hand combat.

Donohue complained that he was not given the opportunity to give his input to the proposed budget.

He basically said This budget sucks and blows, De Vico retorted that he only received the budget proposals from Donohue on the previous Friday at 3:30 leaving him no time for proper review before submission. MAYOR Clark, sitting between the two, kept calm and carried on.

“Yosemite” Sam Kelly of Swainton, an alleged Eagles season ticket holder, and regular Public Meeting attendee , made it obvious that he was clearly in the DeVico corner. Should be an interesting year.

Rumblings, murmurings and general unhappiness were heard in the standing room only crowd as the budget passed along strict party lines 2 to 1.

During the period set aside for questioning a resident was not allowed to ask the former mayor of Middle what his specific QUALIFICATIONS were for his $60,000 plus bennies position with public works because it was not an agenda item. But if she had been permitted to do so she would have inquired: Were they -ENGINEERING?? CIVIL or STRUCTURAL??? CONSTRUCTION ??? HORTICULTURAL????? OR was it just POLITICAL .

Well everybody can go relax at a lovely local hotel as long as they can pay the HOTEL TAX INCREASE.

Pie anyone ?

The Draft. This time everyone is going, even the girls.

     A proposal to “Draft America’s Daughters,” part of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), is headed for the House floor the week of May 16. The policy would require women between the ages of 18 and 26 to register for Selective Service, making them eligible to be called up—right along with young men—if Congress were to reinstate the draft.

Should CONGRESS act now to prohibit forcing women into combat, including through requiring them to register for Selective Service.

Should CONGRESS also revisit the Obama administration’s decision to open all combat roles to women without exception, which increases pressure to include women in the draft. The rush to advance these policies ignores the military’s own research on the issue and leaves a number of critical questions unresolved.

Numerous studies, especially those conducted by the U.S. MARINE CORPS demonstrate unequivocally that women suffer more and more severe stress factors and injuries in tests for COMBAT INFANTRY TRAINING. The Obama Administration has not disputed this but forced the openings despite the SCIENCE.

>Tell us what YOU think. www.swordandshield@writeme.com

>Tell Secretary of Defense ASH CARTER what you think :



>U.S. House of Representatives (202)225-2131

>U.S. SENATE (202)224-3121


Jesse Jackson’s Newest Staffer. You can’t make up stuff better than this!


Mel Reynolds
Jesse Jackson   has added former Chicago Congressman
Mel Reynolds to Rainbow/PUSH Coalition’s payroll..
Reynolds was among the 176 criminals excused in President Clinton’s last-minute clemency forgiveness spree.        
Reynolds received a commutation of his six-and-a-half-year federal sentence for 15 convictions of wire fraud, bank fraud, and lies to the Federal Election Commission.        
He is more notorious, however, for concurrently serving five years for sleeping with an underage campaign volunteer.
This is a first in American politics:
An ex-congressman who had sex with a subordinate….
Then won clemency from a president who had sex with a subordinate…
Then was hired by a clergyman who had sex with a subordinate!
His new job? Ready for this??

Woodbine Elementary School will host a Field Day and Fun Night on 03June!

[For more information contact The Mayor’s office (609)861-5301 ]

The Woodbine Elementary School will be holding their 6th Annual Field Day and Fun Night Carnival on Friday, June 3.

Our Field Day will be held from 9:00am – 11am.

All WES parents and guardians are invited to watch their child participate in the fun activities.

Our Fun Night Carnival is from 4:00pm – 7:00pm. Rain or shine!  The carnival is open to everyone!  Included will be bounce houses, pony rides, battle ball, dunk tank, bike rodeo, games, prizes and much, much more.

Great refreshments are available including, meat pies, hot dogs, hamburgers, cotton candy, snow cones, popcorn, Kona ice and more!

Everyone is invited. Come join the fun. This is a great community event and a great way to end the school year.

Location:  Woodbine Elementary School  801 Webster Street    Woodbine, NJ 08270



CONTACT: Mayor’s Office


09 May2016

          Woodbine—Mayor William Pikolycky is pleased to announce that the Borough of Woodbine held activities throughout town to commemorate Alcohol Awareness Month.

The Woodbine Municipal Alliance provided special “Step-Up for Prevention” t-shirts to be worn on April 15 as part of the Wear Purple to bring awareness of prevention of alcohol abuse.

The Alliance also spoke at the March meeting of the Greater Woodbine Chamber of Commerce, which agreed to help publicize the activities, to wear purple for awareness, and to place literature and flyers in local business.

Woodbine Borough staff (and Mayor Pikolycky), Woodbine AARP Chapter 5292  members, Woodbine Recreation Commission members, staff and administrators at Woodbine Elementary School, were among those wearing these purple shirts.

Students at Woodbine Elementary School also participated by wearing purple on April 15.

Alliance members, assisted by local resident Edson Izquierdo, tied purple ribbons around utility poles and outside of the school and the Community Center.

In commemoration of “Alcohol Awareness Month”, the Mayor issued a Proclamation during Woodbine’s Health and Wellness Fair on April 4, kicking off the activities for the month.

“Our Woodbine Municipal Alliance partnered with the Greater Woodbine Chamber of Commerce and the Woodbine Elementary School in these activities to encourage alcohol awareness during the month of April,” informed Mayor Pikolycky. ”I commend all those involved for their efforts in this endeavor.”

Taylor Swift, Where did you go?

If you had asked me two or three years ago what I thought of when I heard the name Taylor Swift I probably would have said role model, a wholesome girl and a philanthropist. Ask me the same question now and I really do not know what my answer would be. I certainly am not implying that Swift is not still those things, but I do not believe those descriptions fit her as well as they used to.  When her album “1989″ was released in late 2014 Miss Swift made an abrupt change in herself that certainly did not go unnoticed.

Taylor Swift held the girl-next-door image from the very beginnings of her career. She sang innocent songs about young love, falling in love, falling out of love, getting your heart broken into a million, tiny pieces, getting married, and happily ever afters. Her costumes were modest and basically she was every girl’s best friend, sister, and role model all wrapped up into one person. Let’s fast forward  ten years or so. . . .  Swift has renounced her country princess status and opted for Queen of Pop. Her songs no longer center around falling in love (or when they do they are rare) instead they embrace the fact that love “is just a game of cat-and-mouse” as she called it in the lyric booklet that came with her “1989″ album. And although she claims she “. . . would rather be nice than sexy,” as the article “Taylor Swift Just Wants to Be Nice” told, the message really is not getting across (contactmusic.com). Do I even need to mention her “Bad Blood” or “Blank Space” music videos?

Here is the thing. I honestly did not mind the drastic change in hairstyles. I even could have handled the crop tops but the change in her music just seemed unnecessary. I cannot help but wonder if this radical change took place because of the media. Swift stated that pop “. . . felt more natural. . .” in an interview which tasteofcountry.com posted on their cite. But does “natural” really mean the road which offered the least resistance? Did more comfortable mean completely changing Swift’s wholesome image?

Let’s rewind for just a second.  Pre-1989 era Swift’s wardrobe consisted of sun dresses, heels and modest, feminine,  clothes which seemed slightly reminiscent of days past. Something that might have come out of a 1950’s movie. Let us put some key words into bold: MODEST, FEMININE, 1950’s. Descriptions which today make the media cringe. Her songs were sweet and innocent. And because of this received some heat as well as a good dose of mockery. Need I mention the goat parody of her song “I Knew You Were Trouble.”

Now let us fast forward. Swift has appeared in crop tops and mini skirts and yes even a halter. But if you thought that was out of character for the “Love Story” songstress then you obviously did not see her Vogue magazine cover coming. Swift appears unrecognizable. Her hair is bleached and she is wearing clothes not even a Martian would have the audacity to wear!

Who is this person? Does anybody have the answer?

As a Taylor Swift fan and a teenager I was greatly disappointed in her. But I think it is time to stop hoping that somehow the girl who sang “Tim McGraw” will somehow magically come back. I think that Taylor Swift as we knew her is a piece of history that we will always remember with a certain nostalgia. However I do not believe that Taylor is ever going to return.
