Usually for $50 I get more than bad parking!!!

The July 4th Tim McGraw concert in Wildwood encountered some weather related problems, that it started spreading rumors of “Concert Cancellation”  and the 80,000 that the local economy expected and counting on became maybe 20,000 bodies. But hey as long as the local parking lots were able to gouge the tourists with up to $50 parking fees everyone was happy.


Hey, Mayor Troiano what happened to actually being  FAMILY FRIENDLY ?

Rumor Has Sexual Shenanigans at the Cape May Lewes ferry.

Rumor Has It that sexual shenanigans are happening on the Cape May-Lewes ferry The latest occurred last week one when a young couple decided to reenact the Oval Office escapades of President Clinton and intern Monica LEWINSKY in full view of the other passengers. One shocked woman reported it to a ferry employee who seemed paralyzed with indecision as to the right procedure. Another employee had the good sense to CALL the Cops. No free shows on the ferry folks.



7/5/16 (Wildwood, NJ) — Cape Assist received a $600 donation from Rio Station Restaurant owners, Ric & Kathleen Rutherford and guests that attended a party at their home.  “We are so grateful to the Rutherford family and their friends for their generous donation to Cape Assist,” said Katie Faldetta, Cape Assist Acting Executive Director,  “ The Rutherford’s turned a summer party at their home into a very successful fundraising event.” Cape Assist is a non-profit dedicated the prevention of substance abuse prevention in the Cape May County community.
If you or someone you know needs help, please call Cape Assist at 609-522-5960. To donate or for more information, visit, call (609) 522-5960 or like us on Facebook. Your donations make it possible for the organization to offer much-needed services and programs to prevent and treat substance abuse throughout Cape May County, NJ.
Attached Photo #1: (Katie Faldetta, Cape Assist Acting Executive Director with Ric Rutherford, Owner of Rio Station and President of Cape Assist Board of Trustees)
Photo #2: Ric & Kathleen Rutherford, owners of Rio Station Restaurant.
The Cape Assist organization is a non-profit agency, dedicated to servicing Cape May County for over 30 years. Cape Assist promotes health and wellness in the community, implementing research-based services to seniors, schools, businesses, and organizations, all structured to enrich families and build healthy communities. 609-522-5960. 3819 New Jersey Avenue, Wildwood, NJ 08260                
Contact:   Colleen Cornell   856-904-8484

A Crusader has been raised up to fight to end Force Abortion. Thank you Reggie.

Reggie Littlejohn, President of Women’s Rights Without Frontiers, has been fighting the good fight to end forced abortion.  Due her efforts many lives have been saved.  Without her hard work and dedication to ending this practice, mainly (but not limited to) in China, the scale of this atrocity would not of come to light in the manner it has.  She spoke to the UN on this practice and what we can do to stop it.  We all should do what we can to help end this barbarism.

Here is her article on Forced Abortion.


Your donation enables Women’s Rights Without Frontiers to continue to be a voice for the voiceless women and children of China. This huge effort comes at a cost. We need your support. Please give as generously as you can. Every donation makes a difference! Please contact the INDEPENDENT EXAMINER if you have any question as to how to donate to this worthy cause.