Review of Sierra. Hmm. Another Album MUST HAVE or…MUST MISS?


What goes around comes around, so you better watch your step. This seems to be the opinion of the country female duo Maddie and Tae in their recently released single “Sierra.” This twangy ballad tells about a snobby girl who Maddie and Tae hope gets hers.

Released on May 16, 2016 the song “Sierra” made a very bold statement against mean girls who think they are better than everyone else.  Maddie Marlow and Taylor Dye, more familiarly known as Maddie and Tae, wrote the song about a girl whom Maddie knew in high school. Marlow told in an interview that Sierra was a former friend in Junior High School. However upon reaching High School Sierra turned on Marlow and became a veritable monster (YouTube). Maddie stated, “This Sierra girl would send me home crying . . .”

The song, though based off the girl Sierra, was written as a kind of therapy for Marlow. According to Maddie she never meant the song to be released. She only needed some closure and this song was her way of ensuring that happened. She obviously must have changed her mind.

“I wish I had something nice to say/About that girl and her million-dollar face/But beauty only gets you so far,” the opening lyrics to the song state. They continue by insinuating this girl, allegedly called Sierra does not have a heart: “A heart of pure gold is something very rare/And the only one she has is on that necklace that she wears/Acts like she’s some kind of movie star.”

The chorus uses the girl’s name and tells her how she cannot get away with the way she treats people and that someday it will all come back to bite her. “Sierra, Sierra, Girl, let me tell ya/ One day, you might need those friends that you ditched/ Sierra, Sierra Life ain’t all tiaras/You’re gonna find out that karma’s a…” Thus far I could not agree more. Treating other people wrongly and acting better than everybody only goes so far. The next part of the song I could not agree with, however. Maddie states, “To tell the truth, I ain’t even mad/ ‘Cause I know the universe is gonna get you back.” Ok, that is not so bad. Then they say this, “Ohh, I hope that I’m around when/ You get knocked up or get knocked down.” Sorry, folks, I cannot agree with that one.
Speaking as someone who has had friends stab me in the back I can understand exactly where Maddie and Tae are coming from. I also agree that someday all the bad things you have done in your life will come back to haunt you. I support Maddie and Tae 100% on that, but I do not agree with wishing ill of somebody no matter how much they hurt you.

In conclusion I have to say that, although “Sierra” is most definitely an amazing song it is not perfect. All things considered however I can see myself listening to it an embarrassing number of times in the future.


Is the Fix already in? Voter Fraud has not gone away.

Voter fraud is rapid and these totally electronic voting booths make it easier than ever to cheat!


Woodbine—Mayor William Pikolycky is pleased to announce that at 10 am

on Thursday, August 18,  United States Department of Agricultural—Rural Development will be announcing two grant awards made to the Borough of Woodbine, at the Woodbine Public Safety Building, 513 DeHirsch Avenue.

Invited guests include Borough, State, County, and other local dignitaries. Confirmed as attending are, State USDA Director Howard Henderson, Congressman Frank LoBiondo, and a representative from Senator Menendez.

  • USDA Rural Development is awarding grant funds totalling $37,400 to assist the Borough of Woodbine renovate and upgrade their community food pantry.

USDA’s Community Facilities program provides affordable loans and grants to help rural communities develop essential community facilities.

  • USDA Rural Development is awarding $2 million in loans & grants to help the Woodbine Municipal Utilities Authority (WMUA) upgrade the Borough of Woodbine’s aging water system.

WMUA will use the funds to make critical repairs and improvements to the Borough’s existing water treatment and distribution system.

This project will help improve the water quality and natural environment,    it will also create local jobs while helping the local economy.

For further information, please contact, Cynthia M. O’Grady, (856) 787-7723

Cynthia M. O’Grady, (856) 787-7723,

(At the conclusion of this presentation, all are invited to tour the Historic Woodbine Firehouse & original Borough Hall, which are next to the Public Safety Building, and view artifacts that are on display for Woodbine’s Quasquicentennial Celebration.)

Aug 17 – Here’s How “President Hillary” Will Destroy Your Gun Rights Without Repealing The Second Amendment

Here is a fact I shall repeat time and time again until we Americans start to embrace this  truth:

IT HAS BEEN LEGALLY UPHELD BY THE HIGHEST COURT IN THE LAND, THE SUPREME COURT, THAT THE POLICE HAVE NO SPECIAL DUTY TO PROTECT US THE CITIZENRY.  Ergo, it is up to each and every American to provide for their own protection for themselves and their family.

No one, NO ONE wants to be defenceless or made to feel afraid by their government.   If the government will not guarantee the protection of its people then it is in everyone’s best interest to stand against all attempts to make us able to defend ourselves.  Hillary and the Democrats want to do an end run and take away our ability to do what it, the powers that be, have no special need  to do for us.  Every American should be fuming to the point of action.  And here is the proper and acceptable action; contact your Congressman and tell them you will be watching and that they should not support Hillary’s designs to strip us of the right to do what the police has not real reason to do, defend  ourselves.

In Islam, peace does not mean co-existence; it means the West’s submission.

A Catholic Priest Tells Christians to Stop Being So Naïve
           — Wake up to the Threat of Islamic Domination

Father George Rutler is sounding the wake-up call to Christians and Western civilization to the threat of Islamic domination.  We must respond to terrorist attacks with more than the balloons and flowers of the grieving.  

Citing the Catechism of the Catholic Church (#2265), he writes that defending against the evil of Islam is not only a right but a Christian duty.  He cites several instances throughout history when saints and soldiers rode into battle to successfully defend their nations against the Islamic hordes, thus saving Western civilization.

According to Father Rutler, the danger today, however, is that Western civilization “has grown flaccid in virtue and ignorant of its own moral foundations.”  

Father Rutler’s commentary, reproduced in its entirety below, is worth reading to understand the threat posed by Islam devoid of political correctness. 

After another devastating ISIS attack in France, this time against a priest in his 80s while he was saying Mass, the answer isn’t just, “Do nothing.” As racism distorts race and sexism corrupts sex — so does pacifism affront peace.
Turning the other cheek is the counsel Christ gave in the instance of an individual when morally insulted: Humility conquers pride. It has nothing to do with self-defense.
The Catholic Church has always maintained that the defiance of an evil force is not only a right but an obligation. Its Catechism (cf. #2265) cites St. Thomas Aquinas: “Legitimate defense can be not only a right but a grave duty for someone responsible for another’s life, the common good of the family or of the State.”
A father is culpable if he does not protect his family. A bishop has the same duty as a spiritual father of his sons and daughters in the church, just as the civil state has as its first responsibility the maintenance of the “tranquility of order” through self-defense.
Christ warned the apostles, as shepherds, to beware of wolves. This requires both the “shrewdness of serpents and the innocence of doves.” To shrink from the moral duty to protect peace by not using force when needed is to be innocent as a serpent and shrewd as a dove.
That is not innocence — it is naiveté.
Saint John Capistrano led an army against the Moors in 1456 to protect Belgrade. In 1601, Saint Lawrence of Brindisi did the same in defense of Hungary. As Franciscans, they carried no sword and charged on horseback into battle carrying a crucifix. They inspired the shrewd generals and soldiers, whom they had assembled through artful diplomacy, with their brave innocence.
This is not obscure trivia: Were it not for Charles Martel at Tours in 732 and Jan Sobieski at the gates of Vienna in 1683 — and most certainly had Pope Saint Pius V not enlisted Andrea Doria and Don Juan at Lepanto in 1571 — we would not be here now.  No Western nations as we know them — no universities, no modern science, no human rights — would exist.
In the ninth century, the long line of martyrs of Cordoba told the Spanish Umayyad Caliph Abd Ar-Rahman II that his denial of Christ was infernal, and that they would rather die than surrender. Saint Juan de Ribera (d. 1611) and St. Alfonsus Liguori (d. 1787) repeated the admonition that the concept of peace in Islam requires not co-existence but submission.
The dormancy of Islam until recent times, however, has obscured the threat that this poses — especially to a Western civilization that has grown flaccid in virtue and ignorant of its own moral foundations.
The shortcut to handling the crisis is to deny that it exists.
On the first day of the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia, there were over 60 speeches, and yet not one of them mentioned ISIS.
Vice has destroyed countless individual souls, but in the decline of civilizations, weakness has done more harm than vice. “Peace for our time” is as empty now as it was when Chamberlain went to Munich and honor was bartered in Vichy.
Hilaire Belloc, who knew Normandy and all of Europe well, said in 1929: “We shall almost certainly have to reckon with Islam in the near future. Perhaps, if we lose our faith, it will rise. For after this subjugation of the Islamic culture by the nominally Christian had already been achieved, the political conquerors of that culture began to notice two disquieting features about it. The first was that its spiritual foundation proved immovable; the second, that its area of occupation did not recede, but on the contrary slowly expanded.”
The priest in Saint-Étienne-du-Rouvrary in Normandy, France, was not the first to die at the altar — and he will not be the last.
In his old age, the priest embodied a civilization that has been betrayed by a generation whose hymn was John Lennon’s “Imagine” — that there was neither heaven nor hell but “above us only sky” and “all the people living for today.” When reality intrudes, they can only leave teddy bears and balloons at the site of a carnage they call “inexplicable.”
Fr. George William Rutler is a Catholic priest and the pastor of the Church of St. Michael in Manhattan.

We need our Wolves in our wild places. This is a cause worth giving to.;jsessionid=DE229FFE1D87EE8850453320AECB23CF.app216a?cmd=display&page=UserAction&id=3108&s_src=3WDE1611E1TX2&s_subsrc=081816_ADVACTFF_RedWolfA2D_DonorV2&autologin=true&utm_campaign=RedWolvesA2D&utm_medium=email&utm_source=donorsV2_link1

It is quite simple, the wolves go we lose hunting ground, the forest are not as well maintained, and disease might spread as it has in the past.

Reform Islam? But why? It works just fine, right guys?

An opinion by DR Smith,  your editor, and chief.

“The problem is Islam has been highjacked.” How many times have we heard this?~sigh  Every time a Mohomidist does something violent it is said it is not the “true Islam” or “this is a fringe group” or some such nonsense.

How about this:  It is the True Islam, the Real Believers, who are doing this (killing non-combatants, marrying girls against their will, buying and selling sex slaves, terrorism, dressing poorly…)  and have multiple verses in their holy writings back up their actions.  Just like Christianity needed a Reformation, SO DOES ISLAM!!!

Just like Christianity needed a Reformation, SO DOES ISLAM!!!  The Imans resist this because, just like the priest in the time before Martin Luther, it might cost them money, power, and prestige.  They care more about their egos and purses than about the souls and welfare of their respective flocks.   How about this one tiny change, stop killing or attacking others just because they do subscribe to Allah or Yawah the same way you do.  After we got this down we can start with the next step, letting men stand up while peeing.  We can go on from there.


-Your editor and chief, DR Smith

Five Christian Houses Burned to the Ground by Muslim Mob in Egypt (Reprint)

How does, “The Religion of Peace”, sanctify this ?  No really, look it up in the holy writings of the Muslims, these actions are sanctified and even modern Imans condone this behavior.

Welcome to Islam as it is practiced in 2016

New “Mecca” for Islam in our heartland? Looks that way

Waleed Idrus al-Maneesey is a radical imam who heads up the Al-Farooq mosque in Bloomington, Minnesota, attended by at least six known terrorists and terrorist supporters.
And this is the place of Islamic worship that the people of Bloomington, and of Minnesota, has decided to condone and fiscally support (via grants, tax breaks, and direct contributions ).