How to GO GO GO!!! With Pokemon Go!

Pokemon, something that children and adults have loved for twenty years, has evolved into something new a mobile game! Pokemon Go, the new mobile app lets you catch pokemon in augmented reality! As, someone who has grew up on pokemon since I was a child I was excited to here about this application coming out this year! This year the Pokemon franchise turned twenty in February so this new game mad a huge leap from what was black and white on the original gameboy to Pokemon all around you in your everyday life. This has been an exciting development for the company getting new people who have never played Pokemon began playing when it came out. 

Pokemon Go, forces you to get up off the couch and move outside or inside to catch pokemon you have to walk varying distances to catch certain types of Pokemon, Also there are types of things you can do within the game. The game consists of poke stops consisting of signs, churches, hospitals, libraries, parks, etc. The game is based on geocaching, geocaching is finding things based on your GPS which is in your phone automatically. There a gyms where you can train, fight, and battle. Gyms can be held by the game teams color which are yellow, blue and red. The teams are instinct which is represented by yellow, team mystic which is blue, and team valor which is based on red. These teams can hold gyms and other teams can throw each other out of the gym after battling all the trainers and gym leaders at a certain gym.  

This game is making people who usually sit on their couches get up and move and exercise unlike before when they just sat on their couch. You walk to catch eggs 2 kilometers, 5 kilometers, 10 kilometers whenever you reach that limit the egg hatches, it makes you walk to get a reward! It has also helped people who have had anxiety get out and associate with new people and make friends with people. If you are looking for something to help you exercise download this game because it makes walking fun and it doesn’t feel like you are exercising. You also get to hang out with you friends while doing something healthy! What more do you want from a game, you have a healthy activity throw in a game that everyone loves and there you have it a new interesting way to do something healthy but fun at the same time!

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