Civil servants apparently do not need to be civil them selves in WildWood.

Wildwood- The work session of the regular meeting of the Wildwood City Council erupted into fireworks when Commissioner Pete Byron asked Mayor Ernie Troiano about the circumstance involving Item #G on the meeting’s regular agenda. The item stated “Awarding contract alternative to a fair and open Professional Services Contract to Joseph Baumann, Esq. to serve as Special Redevelopment Counsel for a term of 1 year not to exceed $25,000.”
Byron was concerned that the city was shooting itself in the foot by opening the redevelopment of the Back Bay Project to open bid. The exchange went on for almost 15 minutes with much emotion and colorful language by Mayor Troiano The “guy”  presumably a Philadelphia developer , was not identified. It was learned he has some relationship with Richard Pearson Construction Troiano stood by his decision to give the project to the “guy” who is willing to pay the city $1.5 million. The entire exchange can be heard by clicking on the audio posted on the Independent Examiner. In the end Commissioner
The Independent Examiner asked City Administrator Christopher Wood if Wildwood was still getting the drudge spoils from Ocean City a generous source of income. He said “No, “but it was expected to resume within the next two weeks. Wood said all the permits were in place and environmentally all was well. The drudge will be tested before it is used to cap the landfill. Wildwood will be receiving $8.00 per unit for the drudge spoils a plus for the taxpayers.
Mayor Troiano was asked about the former RICO (Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organization) lawsuit brought against the city by Point Break Group LLC and whether or not outside counsel would be retained to represent the city. The suit originally brought under RICO is now an action for fraud and according to court records is still alive. When Mayor Troiano asked said it was not. Depositions were taken as recently as June 2016 and Point Break is represented by Fox Rothschild with offices in Philadelphia and Princeton. The suit has cost the taxpayers thousands of dollars so far.

(An ongoing expose about the reality of politics in SNJ) The 300 dollar legal Vendetta

      LAW and The Human Side in Any Conflict
The following is the first of a series of stories that grew out of the six year saga of the indictment of the former mayor of Wildwood, Gary DeMarzo and his attorney Sam Lashman by the Cape May County Prosecutor Robert Taylor. In it the Independent Examiner will attempt to interview all sides involved and treat each with objectivity and integrity.  In any epic legal battle it is easy to lose sight of the fact that real flesh and blood human beings are involved. This series will focus on the participants as people and how the events of six years have affected their lives and the lives of those closest to them. We hope you find it thought provoking.
            “He who goes to law takes a wolf by the ear.” Russian Proverb
             When the attorney who represented Gary DeMarzo filed the civil suit alleging wrong doing among various individuals and government entities he was very clear about the objective they sought.  Atlantic City-based attorney Eric Lubin,, who also represented  attorney Sam Lashman, said that the two were not seeking specific monetary damages. Instead, “we just want a jury to hear this,” Lubin said, adding “His whole life was tarnished,”  This was ,Lubin said the effect the indictments had on DeMarzo, a former city police officer whose term as mayor ended in May 2011, when he lost the election after having been indicted by the County prosecutor. The indictment began a legal struggle that is now in its sixth year. During that time DeMarzo has been brought almost to financial catastrophe, had his former pristine reputation trashed and been forced to reorder his life and dreams in ways he never imagined when he first ventured into politics in 2005. Recently the Independent Examiner sat down with him and asked him what enabled him to keep going and not just throw in the towel as many others would have.
De Marzo began by telling I/E how he came to live in South Jersey. DeMarzo is a New York City boy, the son of a Jewish Mother and an Italian Father and like many from our neighbor to the north he loved to vacation at the Jersey shore, especially Wildwood. Then like so many before him he met and fell in love with one of our local beauties, Brandy and decided to make the vacation permanent. The year was 1990. The same year he began his career in law enforcement.
What attracted you to go into law enforcement? “It was a life’s dream,” he said.He told us that he was raised by his parents to always consider not just what he could do for himself but how he could contribute to his community as well. “I liked the human aspect of the job, interacting with people at their best and worst, the grittiness I guess. And I felt I got to do some good for others.”
How did you become involved in local politics? “Another one of my passions is education,” said DeMarzo who had worked as a substitute teacher, He also referenced his experience as a local cop.” Working as a policeman I saw a lot of kids who got in trouble because they were deprived of a lot including education.”  With that mind set DeMarzo ran for the School Board in 2005 and was elected .He served a two year term and then set his sights on City Hall. There was also a change in the administration of the Police Department. “A lot of the older officers who had ever anticipate the trouble you were DeMarzo admits to acting inappropriately in one instance which merited him a suspension. He ran for Commissioner in 2007 and won. It was then he availed himself of a state law the Electoral Leave Act which permitted him to take a leave of absence from his police job. Others in City government disagreed with his interpretation of the law and wanted him to resign completely from the police department or as mayor. The legal marathon began.
Did you ever anticipate the trouble you were courting when you became mayor? ”Not really. Mr. Davenport and Troiano spent $50,000 of the taxpayers’ money to get at me and I get it. Politics is rough and tumble. But then it escalated from the purely political to the personal.”
DeMarzo is here referring to the criminal indictments which lasted for four years brought by the County prosecutor We will not retell this part of the story here as the  I/E wants to focus on how this all affected Gary as a person.
How did you feel being a police officer and being charged with a felony that carried a stiff prison term?  “When somebody does this to you it’s terrifying.”
Would you have been able to work out a deal that would have avoided a jail term and resulted in only a minor penalty? “I’m sure I could’ve.”
Then why didn’t you?  “My parents are still alive. They raised me with strong ethical values. My Dad always stressed ‘Don’t lie don’t cheat don’t steal Keep your word. Honor the family name. I couldn’t tarnish my Dad’s name by pleading guilty to something I was not guilty of.”
You had another big event in 2010 also. “The birth of my son Garrett. He is the joy of my life. I did not want to make him grow up in shame thinking his dad was a crooked politician. I owed it to him to protect the honor of the family name.”
How did your wife Brandy handle this given the effects it would have on her life. At his point DeMarzo takes a deep breath trying. to compose his emotions. “My wife is such a blessing.   She has been a rock. She has never wavered in her support of me and this whole event was devastating to us financially, emotionally socially and she just stood by me like a rock. I don’t know what I would do without her. We both had to go to counselling to learn how to deal with the stress. and the exhaustion.”
What did you find to be the most terrible about the entire ordeal? “The fact that someone else involved in law enforcement would do this to me I was a cop. Imagine a felony conviction! This was a death sentence. Cops don’t make it in prison.”
What are your plans for the future? Do they include politics?  “The whole ordeal made me redefine and refocus my life and the priorities of my life. Such a thing redefines who you are when you are four years under indictment and the cable has to go, the cars have to go because you can’t afford the car insurance, no more vacations and then there are the legal expenses, without the help of family and friends I may have ended up homeless.”
What would you like to leave our readers with? “Don’t cheat. Don’t Lie. Don’t steal. You only have your name and your honor and you have to protect that.”
                                                                                                                       Staff Reporter

Does a supposed personal insult justify public injury?

Bill Colley is renown writer and talk show host with a very level head.

He once again looks at our past, refugees, immigration, and the US citizens who are slated with dealing with the decision to have people of a very different culture relocated in our communities whether they are welcomed or not.


Christian Writer Murdered at Courthouse in Jordan for Sharing “Blasphemous” Cartoon

What is wrong with this world we live in?  A cartoon gets you killed and no one wants to report it?  Is this another case of ‘America gone yellow’ or just The West letting being PC get in the way of doing the right thing and act against this kind of militant Islamic response?    You decide.

The 300 Dollar Legal Vendetta.

CAPE MAY COURT HOUSE —On Friday ,September 16  Superior Court Judge Noah Bronkesh ruled on a Motion for Summary Judgment  brought by the defendants in the matter of   Former Wildwood Mayor Gary DeMarzo and former city Prosecutor Samuel Lashman against the Cape May County Prosecutor Robert Taylor  and various other named individuals and municipalities. The basis of the lawsuit is that. the Cape May County Prosecutor Robert Taylor pursued criminal charges against them knowing there was no basis for the allegations .Bronkesh let everyone out of the suit except for Taylor whom he excoriated from the bench. DeMarzo issued a statement which read as follows:

“On Friday, September 16th, Superior Court Judge Noah Bronkesh ordered Prosecutor Robert Taylor to stand trial for his actions. No less than seven Judges have presided over these issues. It was concluded time after time that what was done to Attorney Samuel Lashman and I was “unconstitutional” and that a Grand Jury was “misled,” resulting in multiple indictments, ALL which were dismissed for lack of probable cause.

The City of Wildwood’s Commissioners attempted to evade their responsibility and were ordered to pay the tens of thousands of dollars in legal costs related to these matters. The Judges made it clear that these issues were not “personal”.

Ultimately, Taylor will stand in front of a jury of his peers and be held accountable. A Jury will ultimately decide his responsibilities.

For years Taylor dragged my family and I though this personal hell, making this ordeal a public spectacle; indictments that will now follow my family and I for the rest of my life. Very soon all involved will be called, one by one, to answer the question; “Was this indictment a result of personal animosity or was it politically motivated – or both?”

DeMarzo, a former city police officer was elected mayor of Wildwood in December 2009. Political infighting began almost immediately after De Marzo hired Margate attorney Samuel Lashman and paid him with City funds. The county alleged that DeMarzo acted illegally when he paid Lashman, $348.75 to act as DeMarzo’s confidential aide and attorney. County Prosecutor Robert Taylor brought the matter before a Grand Jury which was subsequently thrown out by a Superior Court Judge. Taylor repeated the process twice with the same result. The case eventually went before both New Jersey Appellate courts and the New Jersey Supreme Court with the same outcome. Superior Court Judge Albert Garofolo twice dismissed indictments against DeMarzo and Lashman.

But the charges had worked their political mischief and De Marxo’s term mayor ended in May 2011, when he lost the election.

The three indictments handed up by Cape May County grand juries in 2011 and 2012 that charged DeMarzo and Lashman with official misconduct and conspiracy and their subsequent dismissal formed the basis of the Civil lawsuit by DeMarzo.DeMarzo  has refered to Democrat Taylor  as a rogue prosecutor who “intentionally abused the high office he swore to uphold, as chief law enforcement officer in Cape May County, in order to achieve his personal malicious political vendettas.”

Taylor has said on numerous occasions that he was just doing his duty as a prosecutor attempting to root out political corruption. Bronkesh appeared incredulous, according to witnesses present in the courtroom at Taylor’s assertions that politics played no role in his repeated actions to indict the former mayor and his lawyer over a $300. bill.

After he was first indicted in 2011, DeMarzo called the indictment “retaliation for the city seeking the videotape of a beating of a prisoner by a high-ranking officer in the city of Wildwood’s Police Department.” The tape was part of an investigation by the Prosecutor’s Office into a 2000 allegation of police abuse by Regalbuto. Regalbuto was never charged with any wrongdoing.

After post motion appeals are heard and ruled upon the case will proceed to trial , this time with the roles reversed.

Staff reporter


Editors Note: The Independent Examiner will be running a series on this case beginning next week to look into the parties, motivations and background of how a bill for little over $300 ended up costing the taxpayers millions.

“Wild Horses Couldn’t Drag me Away”, and pretty soon there won’t be any ponies to be drug away by, if the BLM and this present Democratic administration has its way.

Sept. 16, 2016. Los Angeles, CA – The BLM (Bureau of Land Management) neither approves nor rejects recommendation by its Board to exterminate 44,000 wild American horses.  A number of recent media reports have essentially renounced valid concerns which threaten the lives of over 45,000 wild horses and burros in America.  In truth, the BLM has yet to decide the fate these innocent animals.  Reportedly the BLM has no intention of issuing a formal response on the issue until sometime in 2017.
Saving America’s Horses, an international initiative under the Wild For Life Foundation points to the BLM’s long history of creative damage control and propaganda campaigns when confronted with public exposure and uproar over its highly camouflaged wild horse and burro program.   “The BLM claims to protect the wild horses and burros under a so-called “without limitation” policy which they fail to enforce,” said Katia Louise, president of the Wild For Life Foundation.  Amidst the media flurry, it’s been reported that Tom Gorey, a spokesman for the bureau said that the agency will “continue its current policy of caring for unadopted or unsold wild horses and burros” and will “not sell or send any animals to slaughter.”
“To sell the animals ‘without limitation’ effectively strips their protection from abuse and slaughter,” adds Katia Louise.  “In other words, countless wild horses and burros will continue to die under BLM status quo practices.”
Despite mainstream news reports, America’s horses are not out of danger, states Wild For Life Foundation (WFLF) representatives.   Saving America’s Horses is therefore stepping up its educational campaign in effort to increase exposure of the truth to the public. In a statement from WFLF’s Saving America’s Horses Initiative, “We will be strengthening our fight to stop the killing, end the cruelty and save America’s horse and burro population from suffering gruesome death from roundups and slaughter.”  On Sept. 14, 2016, The Wild For Life Foundation, announced its release of a new series of PSA’s based on evidence presented in the powerful documentary film, Saving America’s Horses: A Nation Betrayed (2012)
Saving America’s Horses: A Nation Betrayed is a “searing indictment of governmental agencies involved in the slaughter of horses. The impassioned pic amasses impressive documentation, visual and testimonial, of systemic mistreatment of the animals, illegal and fraudulent practices regulating their sale, and the very real possibility of their extinction in the wild.” – Variety
With over 44,000 innocent wild American Mustangs lives at stake, and under what is now recognized as a valid veiled threat of EXTERMINATION by the BLM, it’s critical for these innocent beings that the true facts get out to the masses.
WFLF is asking horse and animal enthusiasts to help stop the dangerous and violent expulsion of America’s Mustangs from our lands by taking action. Supporters are encouraged to sign the Saving America’s Horses petition and join the Saving America’s Horses Initiative.  Through these efforts we will expose the systemic corruption that has left virtually worthless the Wild Free Roaming Horses and Burros Act, which is supposed to protect horses and burros. We can stop the killing and reverse the degradation to open rangelands caused by BLM mismanagement, but we must remain vigilant.  Horse and burro supporters can stay informed and get the facts they need through the WFLF Saving America’s Horses educational PSA series recently launched through the Saving America’s Horses Facebook page.
Media Contact: Kate Dudley
Phone: 310.439.9817
Wild for Life Foundation (WFLF) is a federally registered grassroots volunteer-based nonprofit charity established for the prevention of cruelty to animals with a focus on animal welfare and the protection of wildlife. Among our greatest concerns are imperiled wild horses and burros, abused, neglected and slaughter-bound wild and domestic equines, and inadequate standards of protection for America’s equine population as a whole. The WFLF promotes the conservation of wild horses and burros on their Native lands and the preservation of natural ecosystems and wildlife.  WFLF works to reduce suffering in the world and advocate humane behavior. The WFLF is achieving these goals through operating lifesaving animal rescue, sanctuary, rehabilitation, preservation, protection and educational programs that foster symbiotic environmental stewardship and healing partnerships with animals.

“White Privilege” is finally being addressed!!! (And, if you are white, why do you feel guilty about being so?)

<Reprint from>

Students at the University of California, Berkeley are offering a “White Privilege 101” course for people who “feel too white for Berkeley.”

According to a flier obtained by MRCTV, students at Berkeley are offering a 2-credit DeCal, “a student-run democratic education class on the topic of white privilege”.

The flier asks prospective “White Privilege 101” students, “Got white privilege? Ever feel too white for Berkeley, but don’t know what to do?” The flier instructs then students, “Take this 2.0 unit decal and learn about how to navigate your whiteness at Cal!”

The course allegedly features “weekly discussions to understand why everyone keeps telling you to be ‘politically correct.’”

Contrary to the people who call for others to be silenced for not being politically correct, the DeCal history page claims DeCal courses are “rooted in the ideals of the Free Speech Movement.”

The flier claims the “White Privilege 101” course is important because “Instead of taking up space, you can learn how to use your space and privilege to uplift others.”

It continues, “Like salmon colored shorts are integrated into Greek life, power dynamics are integrated into our society.”

Students will reportedly “Gain cultural competency and humility and support people of color in a positive and respectful way!”

Although “White Privilege 101” is reportedly a DeCal class, it is currently not listed on the DeCal course listing page.

DeCals are “pass/no pass” courses that offer up to two credits .

The DeCal office and the sponsors for the “White Privilege 101” DeCal did not respond to MRCTV’s requests for comment at the time of publication.


***Now here is the question, should this and similar courses be offered (or even required!) at our schools like ACCC, Rutgers, or Stockton?  Comments please ***



Dead humpback whale washes up in Sea Isle City (from The Gazette)

SEA ISLE — A dead humpback whale washed up Friday afternoon in Sea Isle City near 20th Street.

The whale was sighted off Strathmere’s coast earlier in the day and floated down to Sea Isle City later, according to The Press of Atlantic City.

The Marine Mammal Strand Center is on the scene, and workers are preparing to remove the whale from the beach with a piece of heavy equipment, according to the report.

The whale is reportedly a young male that weighs about 20 tons and is around 33 feet long.

The cause of death was not immediately clear Friday afternoon.  The animal will stay on the beach overnight, and the center will perform a necropsy to determine how the whale died, a process that could take up to eight hours, the report stated.

Adult male humpbacks can grow up to over 40 feet long and weigh between 25 and 40 tons.

Lower Township Healthy Youth Coalition Invites the Community to Attend Free Movie Night

9/23/16 (Wildwood, NJ) — The Lower Township Healthy Youth Coalition invites the community to free outdoor movie night on September 30. “This event is a great opportunity for families to become more engaged with each other and with their neighbors,” said Coalition Coordinator Steve Selby, ”We are showing a family movie, the Jungle Book, which everyone will enjoy.”
Friday, September 30
6:30PM- Mingle and enjoy icecream
Movie starts at 7:30PM
Outdoors at Mulligan Field – 600 Bayshore Rd, Villas, NJ 08251
Featured Movie: The Jungle Book
An epic animated Disney adventure about a man-cub raised in the jungle by a family of wolves, who embarks on a captivating journey of self-discovery when he’s forced to abandon the only home he’s ever known.
  • Please note: If inclement weather, the movie will be rescheduled.
For more information about the event or how to join the coalition, please contact: Cape Assist, Coalition Coordinator, Steve Selby at (609) 522-5960 or Steve@CAPEASSIST.ORG.
Funded by a grant from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, the Lower Township Youth Coalition’s mission is to plan and implement strategies that prevent and reduce youth substance abuse and its associated consequences.  The coalition consists of various members of the Lower Township community, including parents, business owners, and concerned Lower Township organizations and citizens.
The Cape Assist organization is a non-profit agency, dedicated to servicing Cape May County for over 30 years. Cape Assist promotes health and wellness in the community, implementing research-based services to seniors, schools, businesses, and organizations, all structured to enrich families and build healthy communities. 609-522-5960. 3819 New Jersey Avenue, Wildwood, NJ 08260                

Cape Assist Announces New CEO & Executive Director to Advocate for Education and Substance Abuse Prevention

9/22/16 (Wildwood, NJ) — The Cape Assist Board of Trustees announced the appointment of Katie Faldetta as the agency’s new Executive Director and CEO.
Faldetta, who has been acting as Executive Director since February, brings over a decade of experience to the agency. Her many notable accomplishments have helped with the prevention of substance abuse and treatment for families in our community. Her impressive credentials include State Certification as a Prevention Specialist and a Master’s degree in Non-profit Management, which brings a depth of knowledge to this position.
Faldetta has dedicated herself to improving the lives of individuals and families in Cape May County.  Her responsibilities have included education for individuals, advocating for families and collaborating with community groups, all with the single goal of building resilience to prevent substance abuse.
Over the past thirteen years she has implemented and planned many evidenced based prevention programs such as Strengthening Families, Botvins life skills, and Taking control of your Health. She has extensive collation work with the Underage Age Drinking Coalition, and Healthy Community Coalition in Southern New Jersey.
Faldetta has developed substance abuse programs that strengthen families and build resiliency in the community. At Cape Assist, she has worked to create an environment that supports employees and their families. The Strengthening Families program and the Kids Art Resource and Education Center (KARE) build life skills for the entire family.
“Lynne Krukosky spent 26 years guiding the agency to help the residence of Cape May County and I am delighted and honored that the board of directors is giving me the opportunity to continue that mission. With the support of our dedicated and knowledgeable staff, I am confident that we will continue to enhance protective factors and reduce risk factors across Cape May County to make it a better place for our families to live and prosper,” said Katie Faldetta.
The Board of Trustees looks forward to growing Cape Assist under the leadership of Faldetta and to successfully build upon the shared mission within the community for the growing need of education, treatment and prevention of substance abuse in South Jersey.
For more information about Cape Assist, visit, call 609-522-5960 or like us on Facebook.
Photo Attached: Katie Faldetta, Cape Assist Executive Director & CEO

The Cape Assist organization is a non-profit agency, dedicated to servicing Cape May County for over 30 years. Cape Assist promotes health and wellness in the community, implementing research-based services to seniors, schools, businesses, and organizations, all structured to enrich families and build healthy communities. 609-522-5960. 3819 New Jersey Avenue, Wildwood, NJ 08260