Bishop McHugh Honors Students with Fruit of the Spirit Awards

Bishop McHugh Honors Students with
Fruit of the Spirit Awards
Students in preschool through grade 8 were recognized for embodying the Gospel value of love during the month of September at Bishop McHugh Regional Catholic School. The Fruit of the Spirit awards are presented monthly to students who exhibit the attributes of a Christian life: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.
Pictured left to right are:
(back row) Principal Tom McGuire, Jasmine Filippo, Luke Monichetti, John Pond, Lily Capone, Lauren Montalbano
(middle row) Quinn Laricks, Bradin Roberts, Erin McMahon, Adriana Bader
(front row) Brooklyn Arena, Kelly Hill, Leighton Hill
Not pictured: Persi Paul, Skylar Arena
            Bishop McHugh Regional School is a PreK-8 regional school in Cape May County with a student-centered curriculum grounded in the Gospel values. For more information, visit The community is invited to “Like” Bishop McHugh on Facebook at


CONTACT: Mayor’s Office @ (609)861-5301 with questions

26 October, 2016

Woodbine—Mayor William Pikolycky is pleased to announce that Med-Trans MidAtlantic Medevac held the Grand Opening of its Woodbine base of operations at the Woodbine Municipal Airport on October 25, 2016.

MidAtlantic MedEvac has been operating at the Woodbine Municipal Airport for the last approximately 5 years and is owned by Med-Trans.  Med-Trans and AtlantiCare teams make up the staff at the base and work in concert to provide rapid medical response and transport by air.  MedEvac 4 operates an Airbus EC 135 helicopter with a crew of three.

The new base, a modular office, took over a year to become operational.  Med-Trans wants to thank the Woodbine Municipal Airport, Woodbine Port Authority, the Mayor’s Office, and the Borough of Woodbine for their invaluable assistance in making this happen.  They thank also the engineering firm of Engineering Design Associates, especially Chris Carey, for spearheading the project. Accepting the plaque to commemorate the opening were Steve Marcus, Base Aviation Manager; Maryann Rock, Chief Flight Nurse; Dr. Brett Greenfield, Medical Director; Jim Kilmer, AVP for Clinical Services; Chief Robert Mattle, Director of EMS; Woodbine Mayor William Pikolycky; Jeff Doran, Vice-Chairman of the Woodbine Port Authority.

MidAtlantic MedEvac wishes to thank all involved and the local EMS, Fire, and Police who helped celebrate the opening of the new base today.

“I congratulate MedEvac on the expansion of their operation and on their continued commitment to serving this area with their important life-saving expertise,” added Mayor Pikolycky.

You could “wand” up having a great time so please come.

28 October, 2016

Cape May County Library

Hosts Harry Potter Wand Making Craft at Woodbine Branch

Woodbine—Mayor William Pikolycky is pleased to announce that the Cape May County Library invites teens in grades 6-12 to make their own Harry Potter-inspired wand in celebration of the release of the Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them movie. This workshop will be held at the Woodbine Branch 800 Monroe Street, Woodbine, (861-2501) on Tuesday, November 15 starting at

Our teen librarians are all excited for the new movie Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them! Take a quiz from Ollivander’s Wand Shop and make your own Harry Potter-inspired wand. All supplies will be provided by the library.

Registration is not required for this event. All teens can visit and use all branches of the Cape May County Library.

For more information, please contact the Cape May County Library Teen Department at (609) 463-6357 or email us at

“And our teen librarians assure me that the Harry Potter series is still a popular pick among teen readers,” notes Mayor Pikolycky.

Next Installment of (An ongoing expose about the reality of politics in SNJ) The 300 dollar legal Vendetta

Independent Examiner

Selective Prosecution Interview

   October 2016 Staff reporter

The Independent Examiner received requests from readers to explain how and why the Prosecutor in the Gary DeMarzo/Sam Lashman case decided to prosecute. We cannot answer that as only Cape May Prosecutor Robert Taylor knows exactly what went into his decision. But we did the next best thing. One of our staff reporters interviewed an experienced attorney who has worked both as a defense attorney, a law clerk and an Appeals Court lawyer. We hope what he has to say is helpful.

IE: Mr. Jackson what exactly is the definition of Selective Prosecution ?

Mr. Jackson: Selective Prosecution is usually raised as a defense by a defendant who thinks they have been singled out for prosecution for reasons other than they have committed a crime. In other words they are being discriminated against by the prosecutor

IE: Can anyone raise this as a positive defense?

Mr. Jackson: Well it depends. The claim of Selective Prosecution arises out of the Equal Protection clause of the 14th Amendment. So it usually entails a person of a certain race, religion, ethnicity gender preference or other protected classes claiming that they are the reasons he is being prosecuted whether or not a crime has been committed. The United States Supreme Court has defined the term as follows: “A selective prosecution claim is not a defense on the merits to the criminal charge itself, but an independent assertion that the prosecutor has brought the charge for reasons forbidden by the Constitution”. The defense is rarely successful; some authorities claim, for example, that there are no reported cases in at least the past century in which a court dismissed a criminal prosecution because the defendant had been targeted based on race.

IE: Do you think the DeMarzo case fits into a Selective Prosecution criteria?

Mr. Jackson: I am not personally involved or familiar with the case but based on what you have described to me I would say no because I do not see a protected class to which Mr. DeMarzo belongs.

IE: Why is that?

Mr. Jackson: The Supreme Court of the United States has held that selective prosecution where the enforcement or prosecution of a criminal defendant is to quote the Court “directed so exclusively against a particular class of persons … with a mind so unequal and oppressive”that the administration of the criminal law amounts to practical denial of Equal Protection of the law” (U.S. V Armstrong, 517 U.S. 456,116 S. Ct. 1480, 134 L. Ed. 2D687 [1996] quoting Yick Wo v. Hopkins, 118 U.S. 356, 6 S. Ct. 1064, 30 L. Ed. 220 [1886]). Specifically, police and prosecutors may not base the decision to arrest a person for, or charge a person with, a criminal offense ased on “an unjustifiable standard such as race, religion, or other arbitrary classification” ( U.S. v. Armstrong , quoting Oyler v Boles, 368 U.S. 448, 82, S. Ct. 501, 7 L. Ed. 3D 446 [1962]). That does not seem to be the motivating factor here. But there may be another avenue available to this vindicated defendant.

IE: What would that be?

Mr. Jackson: Abuse of process. Or Malicious prosecution. Because in this instance it would appear that there existed an underlying ulterior motive in the prosecution of DeMarzo outside of the boundaries of regular law enforcement at least based on what the Judge stated from the bench in his comments on his ruling on the Motion for Summary Judgment.

IE: What actions would indicate this kind of abuse?

Mr. Jackson: Typically, the person who abuses process is interested only in accomplishing some improper purpose that is collateral to the proper object of the process and that offends justice, such as an unjustified arrest or an unfounded criminal prosecution. And then there is the common law action of Barratry. In common law, barratry is the offense committed by people who are “overly officious in instigating or encouraging prosecution of groundless litigation” or who bring “repeated or persistent acts of litigation” for the purposes of profit or harassment. I don’t know if New Jersey has a Barratry statute but Pennsylvania does.

IE: Is it hard to prove?

Mr. Jackson: Yes. They are usually not successful but sometimes they are. Given the numerous Grand Jury indictments and the Appeal Courts rulings this one may have a shot.

IE: Thank you Mr. Jackson


A formula for success in academia.

As all seems lost, as evil encroaches at our very door – we need not fear it – we need only to calmly prepare.
Evil is on its last gasp. It knows what most do not know – it will never win.
There is a beautiful and funny movie about a convent that teaches young high school girls in the 1960s. The movie’s title was “The Trouble with Angels.”
My favorite scene in the movie is when the Mother Superior dukes it out with a professor of a progressive private school.
In this scene, Mother Superior (played by Rosalind Russell), ticks off all the failings of the progressive education that she and her staff have to rectify with great patience. The principal brashly counters that his school has all the brilliant academic minds on his side. She coyly smiles back at him and quietly remarks, “God is on ours.”
So, while the battle plans are being finalized up in Heaven, we on Earth must consult our “superiors” for our immediate assignments.
One of the assignments I believe we are to work on is what to do when we have won. And, WE WILL WIN.
First on the “to do list” is take down the centralized education system. Time to recapture what made our nation so successful before the Left got its grubby hands on academics:
1. Take federal money out of the equations from pre-K to graduate school and beyond – NO FEDERAL MONEY
2. Take state money out also.
3. Return to small community schools where the parents could actually walk to the schools and be involved with the children.
4. Back to phonics
5. Back to the classics (AND I DON’T MEAN CATCHER IN THE RYE)
Here is a start – a good list of good books:
Hand That Rocks the Cradle: 400 Classic Books for Children by Nathaniel Bluedorn –

6. Back to memorization of facts in math, history, geography, grammar and spelling
7. Back to studying the Bible and the Constitution and the lives of the Founding Fathers
8. End truancy laws – make it the responsibility of parents to ensure their kids get an education 9. Community schools should be run like any small private school.
As for colleges – pull their funding – let their professors scramble to find a way to fund the school. This will take away all the time they have to foment protests that do nothing but create chaos.
If a brilliant angel like Marva Collins can create academic success in the projects – why can’t we? We only need the right formula.
So, to end this short little column today, I give you some links to lead you to understanding what has been happening to our education, what our education used to be, and one person, (Marva Collins) who knew what to do with even the most disadvantaged child in order to lift him up into heavenly happiness.
Information from Discover the Networks on Academia:
The Lost Tools of Learning:
Marva Collins:
60 Minutes:
Part 1:
Part 2:

We all NEED to fight like Warriors, not follow like sheep!

Troops! Stop complaining and start fighting. I mean really fighting. Spartan fighting.
In ancient Greece the Spartans – 300 men – the special forces of the day – held off the might of Persia. Outnumbered, Leonidas and his men told Xerxes’ diplomat to “Come and take” when the Persian demanded they lay down their weapons. One of Leonidas’ men laughed at the diplomat’s threat of how the Persians would launch so many arrows that they would blot out the sun – the legendary Spartan retorted; “Then we shall fight in the shade”.  This is the kind of bravado that America was know for in the past, a “Can do Will do” attitude!
The American heritage drew upon Greece and Rome and learned so much along with the Bible.
We never used to worry about offending our enemies – we worried about offending God, our enemies we mocked.
“Come and take” came at least twice in American history. Wikipedia details the history of “Come and take it” (
Here is an excerpt about an incident in the American Revolution:
“ Fort Morris was constructed in Sunbury by the authority of the Continental Congress. A contingent of British soldiers attempted to take the fort on November 25, 1778. The American contingent at Fort Morris was led by Colonel John McIntosh (c. 1748-1826).[1] The Americans numbered only 127 Continental soldiers plus militiamen and local citizens. The fort itself was crudely constructed and could not have withstood any concerted attack.
The British commander, Colonel Fuser, demanded Fort Morris’ surrender through a written note to the American rebels. Though clearly outnumbered (he had only about 200 men plus artillery), Colonel McIntosh’s defiant written response to the British demand included the following line: “As to surrendering the fort, receive this laconic reply: COME AND TAKE IT!”. The British declined to attack, in large part due to their lack of intelligence regarding other forces in the area. Colonel Fuser believed a recent skirmish in the area, combined with Colonel McIntosh’s bravado, might have reflected reinforcements and so the British withdrew.
The British returned in January 1779 with a larger force. They later conquered and controlled nearly all of Georgia for the next few years.[2] Col. McIntosh’s defiance was one successful and heroic event which inspired the patriots as the War moved to the Carolinas and then north.”
All Texans love the flag of a cannon with the words, “Come and take it!” This is why. The battle of Gonzolez.
Santa Anna’s army marched on the small Texan town of Gonzolez to take seize their cannon.

The town’s people chose to emphatically say, “NO”.
Here is just part of the story as printed in Wikipedia:
With the darkness and fog, Mexican soldiers could not estimate how many men had
surrounded them. They withdrew 300 yards (meters) to a nearby bluff. At about 6 am, Texians emerged from the trees and began firing at the Mexican soldiers. Lieutenant Gregorio Pérez counterattacked with 40 mounted soldiers. The Texians fell back to the trees and fired a volley, injuring a Mexican private. According to some accounts, the cannon fell out of the wagon upon the shot. Unable to safely maneuver among the trees, the Mexican horsemen returned to the bluff.[25]  As the fog lifted, Castañeda sent Smither to request a meeting between the two commanders.  Smither was promptly arrested by the Texians, who were suspicious of his presence among the Mexican soldiers.[25] Nevertheless, Moore agreed to meet Castañeda. Moore explained that  his followers no longer recognized the centralist government of Santa Anna and instead  remained faithful to the Constitution of 1824, which Santa Anna had repudiated. Castañeda  revealed that he shared their federalist leanings, but that he was honor-bound to follow orders.[1]  As Moore returned to camp, the Texians raised a homemade white banner with an image of the cannon painted in black in the center, over the words “Come and Take It”.[1] The makeshift flag evoked the American Revolutionary-era slogan “Don’t Tread on Me”.[26]  Texians then fired their cannon at the Mexican camp. Realizing that he was outnumbered and outgunned, Castañeda led his troops back to San Antonio de Béxar. The troops were gone before the Texians finished reloading. In his report to Ugartechea, Castañeda wrote “since the orders from your Lordship were for me to withdraw without compromising the honor of Mexican arms, I did so”.[1]
And one last example of American defiance. The Battle of the Bulge – one general told off the Nazi tank commander who surrounded them at Bastogne.
Again, I can’t do better than the account at Wikipedia:
By 21 December the Germans had surrounded Bastogne, which was defended by the 101st Airborne Division, the all African American 969th Artillery Battalion, and Combat Command B of the 10th Armored Division. Conditions inside the perimeter were tough—most of the medical supplies and medical personnel had been captured. Food was scarce, and by 22 December artillery ammunition was restricted to 10 rounds per gun per day. The weather cleared the next day, however, and supplies (primarily ammunition) were dropped over four of the next five days.[96]
Despite determined German attacks, however, the perimeter held. The German commander, Generalleutnant (Lt. Gen.) Heinrich Freiherr von Lüttwitz,[97] requested Bastogne’s surrender.[98] When Brig. Gen. Anthony McAuliffe, acting commander of the 101st, was told of the Nazi demand to surrender, in frustration he responded, “Nuts!” After turning to other pressing issues, his staff reminded him that they should reply to the German demand. One officer, Lt. Col. Harry Kinnard, noted that McAuliffe’s initial reply would be “tough to beat.”
Thus McAuliffe wrote on the paper, which was typed up and delivered to the Germans, the line he made famous and a morale booster to his troops: “NUTS!”[99] That reply had to be explained, both to the Germans and to non-American Allies.[g]
Do you see a pattern here? Even facing certain torture and death, we Americans are people who have resistance in our blood, in our DNA. That is whether we were descended from the Indians –or fresh off the boat from a country that we left because we wanted the freedom of America – we are fighters – we need to remember that.
Though we must be kind and merciful, we never should submit to tyranny and always be willing to give evil a good whack. Our kids need to see us stand up for them.
There is a time to be reasonable. You don’t make a fuss over a test if you think the test was too hard for your kid. But you do resist with all your might against a school demanding that your kid-sit in on sexually explicit indoctrination or any other uses that go against your values. And demand that you have the right to home-school, demand that you have the right to be involved in your child’s education.
Don’t give into schools when they tell you that you don’t know what is best for your child. You are the parent – assert your authority. You don’t want Common Core – stop it – fight it with the intent of ending it. Don’t accept that they have won for now – IT IS NEVER OVER. But don’t stop your defiance at the school play ground – let’s go into the realm of the courts.
A judge rules in a way that you don’t like – fight to get that judge impeached.
The Freedom From Religion Foundation threatens your town to sue you if you don’t give up your Nativity – LAUNCH A CLASS ACTION SUIT AGAINST THEM!
Fight the gatekeepers on the news media. Challenge their bias and dishonesty – get around them!
Start your own news service.
Your elected officials – you don’t have to call their office and yell and scream. Try to feel them out. Are they on your side? Or are they just saying what they think you want to hear. Look at their voting record. Send them pointed questions for them to answer. If they don’t show a backbone against the Left – or if they seem to be siding with legislation that you find abhorrent to our freedom – start working with others to find the political Spartans – those who will fight and not give a damn about being liked by the “in crowd.”
There was this scene in an old show called Picket Fences. I loved that show. It was set in a small town. The dad was a sheriff and the mom was a feisty little lady. One day her two boys were in the principal’s office for getting into a fight. The mother went into the meeting with full intention of supporting the principal in punishing her sons for misbehavior. But as the story unfolded, she found out that her kids fought because some bullies had tried to rough up the younger son. The older son tried to reason with the brutes, but they threatened him too. Too bad, the sons knew martial arts and used their skills to beat the crap out of the bullies. When the mom realized the truth, she stood up and told the principal if he had any further problems with their family members, just know that they ALL WERE BLACK BELTS.
No matter what happens in this upcoming election – it is never over. We must be watchful, we must be ever understanding of the difference between good and evil, and we must calmly confront those who would take our freedom.

Colley: Imagine this world

   I was hanging out at the office of one of my US Senators yesterday (we all do that, right?) when someone asked what today’s column was about.  I told them it might be the spark that gets me fired.  Here are my words.

         Maybe biased journalists should spend a year doing penance on a chain gang. Three-hundred-sixty-five days and through rain, snow and blazing heat. Obviously there isn’t any discipline in many newsrooms and there appears to be a belief the media wretches need to instruct the brain-addled masses when it comes to candidate selection. After all reporters and editors are building Mars rockets and curing cancer in their spare time. The rest of us just can’t compete when it comes to intelligence quotient. As fellow travelers in league with academia and Hillary Clinton your friendly journalist doesn’t have much use for the Constitution. As President Obama trampled it through regulation-by-fiat a large portion of media repeated “transformational change” and ignored the trashing of a founding document. Media winked at abuses from the Internal Revenue Service as it intimidated political enemies. Reporters by and large cheered the rape encampments known as Occupy while condemning ranchers camped at a wildlife refuge. A newspaper columnist and television talking head named Fareed Zakaria accused his adopted countrymen of “fetishizing” the Constitution.
     Think about his comment for a moment. If you don’t believe in a God active in human affairs then you don’t believe the document offers God-given rights. Which means you believe these rights can be snatched away in what you subjectively believe is the correct path. With the Constitution reduced to some quaint suggestions brought forth by old slave-owning men you can simply ignore it and create your own system of justice and often what we see is clearly revenge. The trouble with this sort of thinking is someday my side is going to mop up in an election. These happen when the economy tanks and the party of the president is banished for a generation. Odds are it’s going to happen to any party if we live long enough to witness these economic disruptions. When your side loses then I guess it’s my turn to play the king.
     As a hypothetical let’s say next week I begin ruling by what I proclaim as Divine Right. My first action is to chain all the abortion doctors in a line and have them shovel ditches for 52 weeks. Then they’ll be tried for crimes against humanity. Some of the guilty may pay the ultimate price for slaughtering the innocent. Don’t give me any mumbo jumbo about my church being opposed to hangings. Google the name Avery Cardinal Dulles. Personal opinions of clergy aren’t the official policy of the Roman Church.
     Safe spaces on college campuses are now closed. The world is a tough and often cruel habitat and if you haven’t been taught reality by the time you graduate high school you’re in for quite a shock. You’re on campus to learn and you won’t be coddled and you sure as heck aren’t going to make any demands about dismissing members of faculty you don’t like. In a nod to diversity the nation’s universities will be forced to fill quotas by hiring more conservative professors. Kids who misbehave in public schools and disrupt learning will clean toilets and if mom and dad object they’ll join the work detail.
     Big-city mayors who allow looters to run wild during riots so they can blow off steam will join the looters and the doctors in the shovel brigade.
Cake bakers, photographers and wedding planners will have their liberties restored and won’t lose their livelihoods for standing on conscience and faith. People who aren’t sure if they’re man, woman or other will be treated with compassion. They’ll receive the psychiatric care they desperately need. Or they’ll be left to their own devices as long as they don’t harm others and try and impose an unscientific view on society. There is no settled science and there isn’t any evidence of people being “born that way!” We simply don’t know. It’s not genetic and we don’t know if it’s chemical. The culture won’t be upended for a lack of evidence and because you want to be nice to the confused young man at the office.
     Athletes need not stand for the Star Spangled Banner but it’s my right to encourage your league to prevent you from competing and to pressure advertisers to bail on endorsement deals. Perhaps we can turn Colin Kaepernick into a real hero and send him off to Afghanistan. He can dress in pink camouflage and draw enemy fire and thereby reveal Taliban positions. He’ll forfeit his NFL pay before leaving for war.
Hillary Clinton will be jailed.
      A minnow swimming in a stream won’t require the diversion of water resources needed to feed a hungry planet. The departments of Energy, Education, Interior, Environmental Protection and Internal Revenue will be shuttered and locked immediately. The BLM will become a relic of history as states resume sovereign roles. Amtrak will be stopped dead in its tracks and sold as a whole or in regional sections to the private sector.
     Plane flights will be provided for actors threatening to leave the country. Their 20,000-square-foot homes will be appropriated to house the homeless created by liberal social and planning policies. Subsidies for ethanol, wind and solar power are finished. Coal, oil and natural gas industries will be blessed by the government. If these traditional firms or other investors believe the alternatives have a future in the marketplace then have your way.
     The United Nations will need to find a new home when the United States withdraws and provides no funding. Allies in Europe and Asia will share defense costs and these alliances will be gradually phased out as America becomes self-sufficient on energy and begins paying down debts and taking care of its own people.
     There will be a mighty border wall. The United States isn’t responsible for the bad governing policies in Central and South America. Efficient government isn’t a secret. Make the changes and provide for your own people!
When I step aside and retire to a nice home in a small town with a nice view, voting rights and elections will be restored. An honorable military discharge earns you two votes. Combat experience earns you three. A simple literacy test will be applied to all potential voters above the age of 18. Name your governor, one U.S. senator and correctly identify the century when the U.S. Civil War occurred. For good measure who did we bury in Grant’s Tomb and when was the War of 1812?
Now, Lefty, you know how the rest of us feel about your attacks on our liberties, culture and God.
     We’ve had 80 years of creeping socialism. The country is a wreck. The federal government is officially $20 trillion in debt and nobody really knows if the figure is accurate. Dozens of states are heavily indebted with unfunded liabilities and struggling with unfunded mandates. Criminals prey upon law enforcement. Cities smolder and those yet to burn are crumbling piles of rubble where wild dogs and sometimes even bears roam block after abandoned block. Traditional families are shunned and government policy for the poor discourages marriage and leaves children alone in jungles of concrete where survival often involves fealty to criminal gangs. The dead vote and often multiple times and the results bolster the status quo.
     Then you’ve the temerity to call me racist, bigot and hater when I long for a country governed by the sensible and the God-fearing and a future for my children and yours.


                                                                                CONTACT: Mayor’s Office @ 861-5301

                                                             18 October, 2016


Woodbine—Mayor William Pikolycky is pleased to announce that the Woodbine Volunteer Fire Department visited both Woodbine Elementary School and the Woodbine Head Start Center on October during October’s annual Fire Prevention Week (October 11-14).

At the Elementary School the firefighters did presentations for the first and second graders and made a special visit to the eighth grade to let them know about the Fire Departments “Junior Firefighters” program.

“I want to thank our volunteer firefighters for taking their own time to provide this awareness training on understanding the importance of fire prevention, which both protects the children’s own lives and property and additionally prevents putting the lives of firefighters at risk,” added Mayor Pikolycky

A warning from Jackson Hole

A warning for all those who fear the growth of big regulatory government.  I’ve seen it in action while visiting Jackson Hole, Wyoming.

On today’s edition of Top Story, I delved into what happens when Lefty believes it’s his/her responsibility to control lesser mortals.  While liberals claim to be doing this for your own good, from what I witnessed the “little people” are the ones paying the biggest price for leftist vanity.  The discussion is included in the video below.

Read More: When Liberals Take Over Your Town (Opinion) |