Colley: Imagine this world

   I was hanging out at the office of one of my US Senators yesterday (we all do that, right?) when someone asked what today’s column was about.  I told them it might be the spark that gets me fired.  Here are my words.

         Maybe biased journalists should spend a year doing penance on a chain gang. Three-hundred-sixty-five days and through rain, snow and blazing heat. Obviously there isn’t any discipline in many newsrooms and there appears to be a belief the media wretches need to instruct the brain-addled masses when it comes to candidate selection. After all reporters and editors are building Mars rockets and curing cancer in their spare time. The rest of us just can’t compete when it comes to intelligence quotient. As fellow travelers in league with academia and Hillary Clinton your friendly journalist doesn’t have much use for the Constitution. As President Obama trampled it through regulation-by-fiat a large portion of media repeated “transformational change” and ignored the trashing of a founding document. Media winked at abuses from the Internal Revenue Service as it intimidated political enemies. Reporters by and large cheered the rape encampments known as Occupy while condemning ranchers camped at a wildlife refuge. A newspaper columnist and television talking head named Fareed Zakaria accused his adopted countrymen of “fetishizing” the Constitution.
     Think about his comment for a moment. If you don’t believe in a God active in human affairs then you don’t believe the document offers God-given rights. Which means you believe these rights can be snatched away in what you subjectively believe is the correct path. With the Constitution reduced to some quaint suggestions brought forth by old slave-owning men you can simply ignore it and create your own system of justice and often what we see is clearly revenge. The trouble with this sort of thinking is someday my side is going to mop up in an election. These happen when the economy tanks and the party of the president is banished for a generation. Odds are it’s going to happen to any party if we live long enough to witness these economic disruptions. When your side loses then I guess it’s my turn to play the king.
     As a hypothetical let’s say next week I begin ruling by what I proclaim as Divine Right. My first action is to chain all the abortion doctors in a line and have them shovel ditches for 52 weeks. Then they’ll be tried for crimes against humanity. Some of the guilty may pay the ultimate price for slaughtering the innocent. Don’t give me any mumbo jumbo about my church being opposed to hangings. Google the name Avery Cardinal Dulles. Personal opinions of clergy aren’t the official policy of the Roman Church.
     Safe spaces on college campuses are now closed. The world is a tough and often cruel habitat and if you haven’t been taught reality by the time you graduate high school you’re in for quite a shock. You’re on campus to learn and you won’t be coddled and you sure as heck aren’t going to make any demands about dismissing members of faculty you don’t like. In a nod to diversity the nation’s universities will be forced to fill quotas by hiring more conservative professors. Kids who misbehave in public schools and disrupt learning will clean toilets and if mom and dad object they’ll join the work detail.
     Big-city mayors who allow looters to run wild during riots so they can blow off steam will join the looters and the doctors in the shovel brigade.
Cake bakers, photographers and wedding planners will have their liberties restored and won’t lose their livelihoods for standing on conscience and faith. People who aren’t sure if they’re man, woman or other will be treated with compassion. They’ll receive the psychiatric care they desperately need. Or they’ll be left to their own devices as long as they don’t harm others and try and impose an unscientific view on society. There is no settled science and there isn’t any evidence of people being “born that way!” We simply don’t know. It’s not genetic and we don’t know if it’s chemical. The culture won’t be upended for a lack of evidence and because you want to be nice to the confused young man at the office.
     Athletes need not stand for the Star Spangled Banner but it’s my right to encourage your league to prevent you from competing and to pressure advertisers to bail on endorsement deals. Perhaps we can turn Colin Kaepernick into a real hero and send him off to Afghanistan. He can dress in pink camouflage and draw enemy fire and thereby reveal Taliban positions. He’ll forfeit his NFL pay before leaving for war.
Hillary Clinton will be jailed.
      A minnow swimming in a stream won’t require the diversion of water resources needed to feed a hungry planet. The departments of Energy, Education, Interior, Environmental Protection and Internal Revenue will be shuttered and locked immediately. The BLM will become a relic of history as states resume sovereign roles. Amtrak will be stopped dead in its tracks and sold as a whole or in regional sections to the private sector.
     Plane flights will be provided for actors threatening to leave the country. Their 20,000-square-foot homes will be appropriated to house the homeless created by liberal social and planning policies. Subsidies for ethanol, wind and solar power are finished. Coal, oil and natural gas industries will be blessed by the government. If these traditional firms or other investors believe the alternatives have a future in the marketplace then have your way.
     The United Nations will need to find a new home when the United States withdraws and provides no funding. Allies in Europe and Asia will share defense costs and these alliances will be gradually phased out as America becomes self-sufficient on energy and begins paying down debts and taking care of its own people.
     There will be a mighty border wall. The United States isn’t responsible for the bad governing policies in Central and South America. Efficient government isn’t a secret. Make the changes and provide for your own people!
When I step aside and retire to a nice home in a small town with a nice view, voting rights and elections will be restored. An honorable military discharge earns you two votes. Combat experience earns you three. A simple literacy test will be applied to all potential voters above the age of 18. Name your governor, one U.S. senator and correctly identify the century when the U.S. Civil War occurred. For good measure who did we bury in Grant’s Tomb and when was the War of 1812?
Now, Lefty, you know how the rest of us feel about your attacks on our liberties, culture and God.
     We’ve had 80 years of creeping socialism. The country is a wreck. The federal government is officially $20 trillion in debt and nobody really knows if the figure is accurate. Dozens of states are heavily indebted with unfunded liabilities and struggling with unfunded mandates. Criminals prey upon law enforcement. Cities smolder and those yet to burn are crumbling piles of rubble where wild dogs and sometimes even bears roam block after abandoned block. Traditional families are shunned and government policy for the poor discourages marriage and leaves children alone in jungles of concrete where survival often involves fealty to criminal gangs. The dead vote and often multiple times and the results bolster the status quo.
     Then you’ve the temerity to call me racist, bigot and hater when I long for a country governed by the sensible and the God-fearing and a future for my children and yours.

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