What would be left undone?

Ever feel like George Bailey, standing at the bridge, looking over at the icy water
contemplating why not end it and how everyone around you would have been better off if you had never been born? Look over to the side, who is that little man, smiling knowingly at George?
Oh, that’s his guardian angel. Funny thing about guardian angels – they know us more than we can ever know ourselves. They see into our hearts, they know our pasts and they know our futures.
Are you a mother that feels like you did not read enough to your kids? A student who feels like you let your parents down by goofing off too much in college? A kid who tries hard, but just can’t seem to make those grades? Or an athlete who just cant seem to perform as well in the sport you want? Perhaps you were always unkind to others around you.
Let me tell you a story. While in college I had my ups and downs. Some of those downs seemed below the gutter. I had a friend who did everything right. She made straight A’s – every test from kindergarten up to her last year in college. One test in that last year she received a B. She went on a very angry drinking spree. I witnessed it. I walked from bar to bar as she drank and drank and drank – and even threw a beer bottle onto the street in uncontrolled rage. That was the moment that I felt so grateful for all those Ds, Cs, and Fs I endured.

Many a time I have felt like George – standing at the bridge – contemplating leaving this world to save all those I loved from my nonsense. Yet my Angel stood behind me and whispered “It’s ok, this will pass, hold on.”

And he was right.

Let’s look at some “Georges”. Oscar Schindler would seem the opposite of George,
wouldn’t he. George sacrificed all his life for the ones he loved. The trouble he found himself in was not his fault, yet he lost hope and could not see all that he meant to so many souls. Clarence had to show him the truth about himself – the good truth. Schindler, on the other hand, what a party animal! He knew how to scam the most clever of characters. He cared about no one but himself. And yet, even he had his angel. His angel forced him to see evil and placed him in the
right spot at the right time. His angel knew that Schindler had the skills necessary to save countless souls from the gas chambers. Dear Oscar, in the end he broke down with grief over all he did not save! But, I’m sure his angel was waiting for him when he died and comforted him with the knowledge that God was pleased with his valiant efforts.
Anyone who goes through life without at least one regret is either lying to himself or blindly stupid. We are meant to stumble, we are meant to fall into grief – because we are meant to overcome and become stronger – like steel forged by fire!

The key is to resist the whispers of Satan and his little helpers – demons given to you for
torment and temptation. Listen to your Angel.

Do you know the story of Steven Stayner? He was a child abducted by the most evil man

– a sadistic pedophile. The monster told Steven that his parents didn’t want him and that they

weren’t looking for him. Steven believed the monster. Little did the boy understand that his
parents were tirelessly looking for him. He finally escaped – but not for himself – he finally
risked it all because of a fresh little boy who the demon kidnaped – the little victim became a
hero for a younger victim. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steven_Stayner)

Satan is like the pedophile and God is like Steven’s father. God wants us to be good, but He
never wants us to fall into despair. He wants us to find our way home and He wants us to know
that He is actively watching out for us. Why do you think He gave us each our own angel?

See that you despise not one of these little ones: for I say to you, that their angels in
heaven always see the face of my Father who is in heaven. – Matthew 18:10

Let’s look at Scrooge. We all know and remember him as the mean, old tyrant who
pinched every penney til it screamed and treated his fellow man with great disdain. Yet how did
the story end – he joyfully spent the rest of his days helping everyone he could and became a
loving uncle to Tiny Tim.

Whatever your lot in life – whatever your mistakes or failings – you can turn them around

– you can be that shoulder to lean on for another you may not know yet.
At the very end of Jesus’ passion on the cross the worst of robbers became a saint.
Dismas hung on a cross next to Jesus and he asked Jesus to just remember him when He went to
Heaven. Jesus, though wracked with pain, turned to Dismas and assured him that he would go to
Heaven as soon as he drew his last breath. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Penitent_thief)

Take time to buy a copy of Screwtape Letters. C.S. Lewis uses a creative devise of
teaching us about the Good Angels and the Bad Angels through the use of letters from a senior demon to his student. (https://en.wikipedia.org wiki/The_Screwtape_Letters)

Read it again and again. Read it and then write your impressions to the editor of this newspaper. Share your insight for another you may never know.

As for dear George Bailey – after he had calmed down and counted his blessings he realized he had a, “Wonderful Life”!

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