Where Have All The Good Guys Gone?! Young Thoughts on an Old Problem.

“Where have all the Good Men gone and where are all the gods? Where’s the streetwise Hercules to fight the rising odds? Isn’t there a White Knight upon a fiery steed?”
These are the immortal words of Bonnie Tyler. Never have thesewords been more true than as of today. As a teenage girl, I cannot help but wonder where all the good guys are.  Where is the chivalry? Where is the persistence men used to have when chasing a girl?

The song “I need a Hero” embodies what has slowly happened in the 20th to 21st centuries.  Gradually, the idea of “a white knight” has disappeared. Now, no one (including myself) knows where to look for them. As a girl, I dream about finding Prince Charming and falling in love and living happily ever after. I do not know of a girl who doesn’t (Feminists excluded). As I have grown older, however, it appears that “white knights” are low in stock.

I have not been on my first date yet, so I have had zero experience with guys treating me the way they should. Nonetheless, I do have first-hand accounts. Exhibit A: my sister.

My sister is twenty-one years old and in college and currently does not have a boyfriend. One day while she was at campus a random guy who seemed nice enough asked her out. She agreed. Of course she did not know what to expect, but I can bet she was not prepared for what happened. Mr. New Guy was very nice, polite, etc. . . up to a point. When they reached the theater he had no money to pay for the tickets! Hmmm. . . next he cursed. In front of my sister. And then he had the gall to voice the opinion that he had been a very good gentleman.

Maybe I am a little picky. After all beggars cannot be choosers. But still. Is there no one out there who agrees with me?

If there are any Knights out there in this big world they must be in hiding.

Ok, let’s get a little more serious shall we?
There are honorable men somewhere. I know, because I have witnessed some of them. But, honestly, it is not like we are living in the 1930’s where it was common knowledge that a boy was supposed to open the car door for a girl or that he was supposed to pay for dinner. These sort of ideals have just died out. That does not mean, however, that we have to bury them and sing “Auld Lang Syne.”  No. No. No!

Girls and women should not and I repeat SHOULD NOT stand for a man or boy treating them with disrespect.

Again, I am only seventeen. I do not have a lot of life experience, but, I have had a boy open the door for me and I have to say that I really liked it!

Girl’s today seem to think they have something to prove. Like there is weakness in wanting to have some handsome man sweep them off their feet. You can be a strong woman and be a damsel- in- distress at the same time. There is nothing shameful in that. Do not allow Feminists to tell you that you are a victim. Because you are absolutely NOT.

Women are the most privileged of the two sexes. So stop pretending that you are a victim. It is not getting you or us anywhere.

And men . . . you could try a little harder. Just saying.

At any rate, despite this little rant, I will say that somewhere out there, there are good guys. I guess right now they are just keeping a low profile.


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