George Soros: Billionaire, Anti-Trump, Criminal (in Europe), Marxist, and backer of BLM and of other hate groups.

Moses Apostaticus

Freelance Writer

4:00 PM 11/17/2016

Evidence has been emerging over the past week that the anti-Trump protests and riots disrupting cities across America are not spontaneous or grassroots in their origin. It has come to light rather that these sometimes violent and disruptive demonstrations are being organized by a nationwide network of non-profit organizations with links to billionaire financier George Soros.

Ads posted by Soros-linked liberal groups have been appearing on Craigslist sites across the nation offering payment to participate in the anti-Trump protests. President-elect Trump himself stated during his interview with 60 Minutes that professional protesters were behind the riots.

The question in many Americans’ minds is not only what animates these angry, hateful protesters out on the streets but also what motivates a billionaire like Soros to foment unrest across the nation?

This question becomes even more disturbing given revelations that Soros has been involved in Europe’s Middle Eastern migrant crisis, has funded the Black Lives Matter movement and was one of Hillary Clinton’s biggest political donors during the presidential campaign. He is also openly leading the liberal resistance strategy against the Trump presidency.

So what is driving George Soros to carry out this anti-American agenda?

George Soros is a neo-Marxist who came of age during the tumultuous Nazi occupation of Europe. Pretending to be Christian to avoid the persecution of Jews, Soros managed to survive through to the liberation of his native Hungary. After the war, Soros studied at the London School of Economics under Dr Karl Popper before moving to America in 1956.

The London School of Economics was founded by Fabian socialists Beatrice and Sidney Webb. It has long been a center for Marxist thought, and Karl Popper fit right in there. Like Soros, Popper was a Central European Jew displaced by the Nazi juggernaut. He had fled to New Zealand, where he wrote his famous political work ‘The Open Society and its Enemies’.

This book is key to understanding what motivates George Soros. He even named his flagship political organization The Open Society Institute.

Popper’s thesis is that there are two types of societies in history – open societies and closed ones. A closed society is tribal and hierarchical, has a culture based on fixed beliefs about reality and is not welcoming of foreigners. An open society, on the other hand, is philosophical, creative and open to outsiders.

Popper imagines a model in which democratic societies are open and totalitarian societies are closed. In Popper’s political philosophy, a democratic state must seek to erase its ethnic identity and any traces of cultural heritage for it to achieve freedom and avoid tyranny. There must be no distinctions between people for utopia to be possible.

Popper praised Karl Marx’s ‘humanitarian’ intentions but criticized him for taking on elements of closed societies in his political philosophy. For Popper, Marx wasn’t radical enough when it came to multiculturalism and open borders.

With this background, we can begin to see how Soros’ globalist agenda fits neatly with the Cultural Marxist teachings which the New Left academic radicals have indoctrinated into America’s youth since the 1960’s. Soros’ astroturfing organizations find a willing army of anti-Trumpers on the campuses and in the liberal cities of coastal America.

In the hands of a billionaire social engineer such as Soros, the anti-American Cultural Marxist ideology preached across America’s education establishment becomes a weapon which can be wielded to take the nation hostage.

Like religions, political ideologies are incredibly powerful at mobilizing large groups of people. The mass movements of the twentieth century – the wars and political and cultural revolutions – were animated by the power of ideological belief. New Left ideology has been taught to America’s children and young adults for 50 years now, and the division and political violence we are seeing in the cities of American today is its fruit.

Anti-American Marxist rioters are not born. They are made. They are made by having the New Left doctrines of white guilt, male privilege, black victimhood and female subjugation preached to them endlessly during their education. Entire degrees now exist which are framed around such narratives of white male wickedness. It becomes an all-consuming, self-reinforcing worldview. These are the radicalized young people Soros’ Craigslist ads are targeting.

These special snowflakes of outrage are incubated in the totalitarian atmosphere of America’s colleges and universities. The Marxist culture which prevails in Western universities is very real. Brave defenders of free speech such as Professor Jordan Peterson at the University of Toronto are being ostracized and threatened for such thoughtcrimes as using the traditional gender pronouns ‘he’ and ‘she’ when referring to students.

George Orwell, a former Marxist himself, warned us in the novel ‘1984’ that the totalitarian socialists would invert the meaning of words to deceive the public in order to achieve their collectivist goals. We can see that happening today from the left, with such terms as ‘liberal’, ‘diversity’ and ‘tolerance’ taking on opposite meanings in the mouths of leftists. The left has always inverted the truth in order to achieve its objectives, and the staged uprisings we are seeing which the media portrays as spontaneous is a clear example. Through deceptions such as these, most Americans remain unaware of the ideological weapons being deployed against the Republic by those who seek to destroy it.

There is a belief among the left in America today that Christian Western culture was responsible for Nazism. They are wrong. National socialism, like all ideological abominations of the twentieth century, emerged out of Marxist philosophy. If the left wants to find the Nazis in America today, they would do well to look in the mirror.

Read more:

“Brady Letters” and the fact we have these should be chilling.

On November 17, 2016, a two-judge panel of an appeals court directed Atlantic/Cape May County Judge Nelson C. Johnson for “clarification” on why he ordered disclosure of four letters from Cape May County Prosecutor regarding “major problems with [two Wildwood Crest police officers] ever testifying in a criminal proceeding.”

For the complete story read:

The Dancer and the Islamist. by Helen McCaffrey

In 1911, the old folk tale of Petroushka came to life on the Paris stage as a ballet scored by Igor Stravinsky, choreographed by Michel Fokine, and performed by Sergei Dhiagilev’s Ballet Russes. Set in Russia, the plot of the ballet involves three puppets—Petroushka, the Ballerina, and the Moor—that are brought to life by a character known as the Charlatan. Petroushka falls in love with the Ballerina, but she rather prefers the Moor. Petroushka, unable to cope with such a blow to his pride, challenges the Moor to a duel. The Moor wins and kills Petroushka, but as night descends, Petroushka’s ghost rises to haunt both the theater and the Charlatan until at last the feckless puppeteer collapses. In recent months, this ballet has come to haunt me once more, in part thanks to Jordan Wolfson.
     Last May, Wolfson debuted a new sculpture at David Zwirner Gallery in New York. In light of his prior showpiece there in 2014—an animatronic robot of a dancing, mostly nude woman in a witch mask, titled Female figureit feels more appropriate to refer to each exhibition as a debut, like a product debut. This is the new model, the new character, the new gadget, the new monstrosity that we all line up to see. The piece is called Colored sculpture, a title that was embarrassingly left unanalyzed by just about every bit of press the show received.
     Wolfson describes the piece rather succinctly in talking to Artinfo: “The artwork is a figurative sculpture based on Huckleberry Finn, Alfred E. Neuman, and Howdy Doody. It’s a cartoony, life-size figure that’s almost like a piece of sports equipment. It has six points around the body, and it’s rudimentarily animated from three of these points. It’s similar to other characters I’ve used in my films, but it’s ultimately a new character. It also has eyes, which are video screens with special glass lenses on top. It’s able to make eye contact with viewers, like [Female figure]. The character goes between anger and pain. Animated content plays in the video screens that serve as its eyes, along with live video footage I’ve shot. Formally, it’s extremely glossy, reflective.”
     Since 2011nearly all of Wolfson’s work has looked back at its viewer. The Shylockian caricature from Animation, Masks (2011) meets your eyes as he gestures, speaks, and pages through Vogue. His redheaded cartoon character from Raspberry Poser (2012) looks back as well, while he screams at you, disembowels himself, and maniacally gestures with jazz hands. His sculpture, Female figure, was his first foray into animatronics and facial recognition software, mechanically activating its gaze so that it followed the viewer  around the room. His characters all have their own particular admixture of playful and resentful contempt for the viewer, and his newest sculpture is no exception.
It is a strange and haunting piece. The body is broken up into various sections, made of a material that feels as resilient as an ocean buoy. It is animated by a series of three chains attached to its head, one hand, and one foot, all hanging from a gantry system. Despite three simple points of contact, its range of activity is impressively poetic. Furthermore, there is an occasional soundtrack: from time to time, Percy Sledge’s famous 1966 track “When a Man Loves a Woman” barrels in, clipped and starting off midway through the song. It stops just as abruptly as it starts, making a normally sweet and sentimental song feel awfully suspect. The figure often menacingly hovers through the room, only to crash to the floor moments later, its limbs akimbo. Or it will slowly find itself in a pose, the chains clicking one by one like a roller coaster ride, until each limb finally hit its precise position like a strange, palsied dancer.
     To my mind, Colored sculpture is in a way an updated version of Stravinsky’s Petroushka—a white puppet brought to life by the Charlatan, forever resentful of a world that didn’t let him have the girl. Worse yet, a world that would allow a Moor to get the girl. Who knows what a man will do when he loves a woman, with or without her love in return?
     The notion of music that mocks its subject was one way that the philosopher and critic Theodor Adorno separated Stravinsky’s work from what he thought was the more progressive work of Arnold Schoenberg. Whereas Schoenberg’s early Neo-Romanticism led to an inwardly withdrawn self that transcended singular subjectivity, “[s]uch pathos is totally alien to Stravinsky’s Petroushka…. In Stravinsky’s case, subjectivity assumes the character of sacrifice, but—and this is where he sneers at the tradition of humanistic art—the music does not identify with the victim, but rather with the destructive element. Through the liquidation of the victim it rids itself of all intentions—that is, of its own subjectivity.”
     It could be argued that a similar sense of emptying out the subject is at play in Wolfson’s piece, that the complexity of the work is precisely that it keys in on high-octane emotionality while also evacuating it. It’s stupid to feel for the puppet; it’s impossible not to. What was felt by many who looked at Colored sculpture was a sense of loss, a feeling of repulsion and empathic care—slightly more complex than Adorno’s indictment of Stravinsky, but related nonetheless. Many saw in this figure a kind of pain and anguish that was brutalizing, but elegiac and existential. Yet unlike Petroushka, Wolfson’s music and dancer are both more ambivalent.
     Wolfson’s music both mocks and connects with the figure, and further still, Wolfson’s figure refuses liquidation through anger and vengeful scorn, resisting the wave of empathy that the music rides. Regardless of how many times he falls to pieces, the figure disregards sentiment, will not recognize it. He is both a figure of pain and a figure of ugly spite. The range of emotions is aggressively polar—we empathize, we recoil, we ache, we pause.
     This collective and unquestioned “we” got me to conjure a thought experiment. Let us imagine for a moment that Colored sculpture was precisely that, a sculpture of a person of color. Let us imagine that, rather than seeing a red-haired white child, we saw a black boy hanging from the rafters. What then? My guess is that the reaction would have been different. Instead of feeling an empathic queasiness, a kind of universal wretchedness, I would wager that many would say that the piece is too “obvious,” too simple, too direct, too political, too “real.” Here is my first real indictment, and it’s not of Jordan Wolfson, but of the audience.
     The white body, through its repetition in a history of art that is largely painted white itself, has become an easy and lazy signifier for a universal body, for a metaphorical body, one that becomes symbolic and slippery, that can always be more than its mere representation.  The non-white body, I believe, has greater difficulty in attaining this metaphorical bounty. Kerry James Marshall has fought diligently and profoundly against this tide and won, but examples are unfortunately rare. This, of course, does not mean that black and non-white artists have not achieved this endlessly throughout history, but that, by and large, their work is still ghettoized, simplified, and misunderstood.
     Let us banish the idea that the body in action is universal in any way. That brings us to the baser fact that it is a Caucasian body that is being flailed around—a Caucasian sculpture that is called Colored sculpture.  Like most racism of the current moment, plausible deniability works like a well-oiled escape hatch. To call the work Colored sculpture might simply be a nod to classical sculpture which was painted in its inception but time has stripped it of its color, allowing us to believe that they were never painted or “colored” in the first place. Similarly, Wolfson’s sculpture began “colored” but as it is battered, that color will wear away. (I have no interest here in interrogating whether the artist himself is racist or not, and do not believe that is relevant when speaking to larger structural problems.)
This is a convenient and obviously insufficient explanation. The title leads me to believe something more sinister is at work (intentional or not), and that the resentment of this figure’s gaze is particular to our moment—a moment where just days ago a misogynistic, racist, resentful, angry, overbearing, incoherent, unqualified, and profoundly dangerous man was voted in as our next president of the United States, defeating a problematic but infinitely more qualified and able female candidate. What this indicates in, among other things, is a moment where the resentment of a swath of voters said to be in the “flyover zone” of America has reached a boil. We, the liberal-minded frogs, did not notice the pot’s temperature rising and are now potentially cooked.

Teach and NOT Indoctrinate? Don’t be Crazy! It is what is expected of educators.

Teachers today who genuinely want to teach instead of just  indoctrinating young minds into the  “Proper Politically Correctness way of Acceptance and Embracement” are being squeezed out. COMMON CORE speeds up the process of demoralizing the good ones. Other teachers are just misguided, let’s face it, the public schools and the colleges have indoctrinated them by the government sanctions education they received themselves!

But something very, very important looms across our country – more important than teaching nonsense in our schools. Elites in many levels of academia and government think they know best and want to completely close parents off from any jurisdiction over their own children.

An organization– The Parental Rights Organization – has been working long and hard to pass parental rights legislation in individual states. They also move forward with efforts to add parental rights to the Constitution. (Please go to their website to learn more:

To the teachers out there who feel demoralized, unappreciated, held back on giving your true knowledge to those you teach – take heart. Countless small private schools are blossoming throughout the country and many former teachers with your heart have found ways to use their love of teaching in entrepreneurial ways. Hint – homeschoolers abound who want help from good teachers and they pay for it!

Let me leave you with a bit of hope:  Marva Collins, who is a heroine of mine.

She held in her gifted hands children from the projects and she taught them the classical method and taught them Western Civilization and the children under her charge grew in happiness and success. So much for “socio-economic” excuse regarding failures of certain public schools!

Here is an excerpt from an article about her found at Wikipedia:

Dismayed at the low levels of learning that she felt some students were experiencing in particular areas, Collins took $5,000 (a large sum of money at that time) from her own teacher’s retirement fund and started a private school in the top floors of the brownstone in the West Garfield Park neighborhood where she lived in 1975.[3]

The school she started was called Westside Preparatory School. Westside Prep became an educational and commercial success.[5] Collins created her low-cost private school specifically for the purpose of teaching low-income black children whom Collins felt that the Chicago Public School System had labeled as being learning disabled.[6] Collins said she had the data to prove that students were teachable and were able to overcome obstacles of learning via her teaching methods, which she said eliminated behavioral issues and allowed students to flourish.[7]

The one-room schoolhouse of her education influenced her methods. At home her father gave her assignments she believed built her confidence and gave her a sense of responsibility. She felt time spent with students was more valuable than distance-creating audio visual information.[8]

Collins and her daughter ran the school for more than 30 years until it closed in 2008 citing  funding as one of the chief reasons.[2][5] (


Go to youtube and look up Marva Collins.

               You will be inspired to pick up the pitchfork and storm your state capital.

*** No more excuses, no more barring parents from their kids – time to enable our future generations to thrive in a country of openness, honesty, and true education.***

Audit Classes? See what and how your kids are learning? Why would you want to?

Well, well, well 

      I just called my local radio station this morning and suggested that the listeners pressures their state elected officials to pass legislation to allow parents to audit any and all classes their children attend from Pre-K to graduate school.
Two callers later a woman came screeching over the airwaves questioning my sanity.
Hmm – perhaps next week I will call in and suggest the listeners go to Discover the Networks and look up “academia” and the “NEA”:

Academia:      (

NEA:        (

I wonder if the wise and wonderful screeching banshee would respond?

Just asking.

Perhaps the woman misunderstood me, perhaps she thought I wanted the parents to hire accountants to audit the classes and teachers. Allow me to ease her anxiety, can’t have any snowflakes in academia, now can we?
What I meant was that every parent should be given the right to sit in on any and all classes they wanted to for as many times as they want. The parents would be forbidden from interrupting or interfering— but they can listen, they can take notes, and they can tape the class.
I include this with state-funded college IF the parents are paying the bill! Right now there is some kind of law out there that college staff can’t even talk to the parents without the permission of the student!
So, what’s the big deal? Why should parents be allowed to sit in the classroom?
Let me tell you a true story of someone I know. My friend believed in the public school system. She is a very caring and doting mother. She graduated with a high degree – beyond a masters – let’s just leave it at that. So off she went with her little boy of six for his first day of class. She intended to take him straight to his classroom and to meet his new teacher.
Uh – something happened – the officials of the school blocked her at the entrance. Smiling and cordial, they took the boy’s hand and told her thank you that they would take him to class and she can pick up in the afternoon.
When I was little my mom actually volunteered to help in my classes and she was WELCOMED AND APPRECIATED. But those days are long gone until state and federal legislatures return to parents their right (God given right) to direct the education of their children!
Back to my friend and her son. Let’s call the little tyke David (not his real name). One day in class the teacher asked the children who their personal hero was. David happily and proudly announced that Jesus Christ was his personal hero. He was ready to say more but was shut down by the children and the TEACHER laughing at him!

Still think my idea is insane?

Here is a story about a little Texas girl who did not allow her teacher to bully her into denouncing Christ:

Excerpt from an article at The Blaze:

Wooley said when she arrived at the phrase “There is a God” she responded with two answers.

“I said it was fact or opinion,” she said.

According to the seventh grade student, her teacher told her the answers were wrong and demanded she say God isn’t real. /
Here is a link to the little brave one’s testimony:

Fox News Insider:

Help a Warrior Receive Justice instead of Political Correctness

—– Forwarded Message —–
From: LTC(R) Allen West <>
To: DR Smith <swordand>
Sent: Friday, November 18, 2016  1400
Subject: I need your signature on this Petition
Dear Mr. Smith,

As a combat veteran, I’m asking you to sign the PRESIDENTIAL PARDON PETITION FOR ARMY LT. CLINT LORANCE right away because right now President Obama is allowing an innocent U.S. soldier to sit in prison for protecting the men under his command in Afghanistan.

In July, 2012, Lt. Clint Lorance was sent to Afghanistan to replace a platoon leader who was seriously wounded in a Taliban attack. On his third day on the job, Clint and his men were on patrol when a U.S. helicopter radioed that a motorcycle was sitting outside of the village near a road only used by the Taliban. When the motorcycle started gunning toward the platoon, Lt. Lorance ordered his marksman to fire.

Two of the riders were killed. The other was captured in the village, where days earlier a U.S. soldier was shot in the neck.

Those of us who have been stationed in Afghanistan know the tactics and actions of the enemy.

Without a doubt, these men posed a threat to Clint’s platoon. And as the commanding officer, Clint knew he was responsible for getting every single one of his soldiers back to base alive.

Yet our own government didn’t agree. Lt. Lorance was convicted of murder and sentenced to 20 years at the U.S. Disciplinary Barracks at Fort Leavenworth.

Now you know why I’m asking you to follow this link to sign the PRESIDENTIAL PARDON PETITION right away.

You see, it is customary for U.S. Presidents to grant high-profile pardons just before leaving office. And with just two months left in Obama’s term, now is the time to start putting massive pressure on the White House.

In fact, Lt. Lorance’s legal team has already hand-delivered an official request for a Presidential Pardon to the White House. Now you and I must do our part.

Will you follow this link to sign the PRESIDENTIAL PARDON PETITION right now?

You and I both know that petitioning a president as anti-military as Obama is a last resort. In fact, while our government lets Clint rot in a prison cell, President Obama has been:

  • Releasing the terrorists at Gitmo…
  • Demanding that your tax dollars fund “sex hormone therapy” for U.S. Army PFC Bradley Manning, who leaked classified documents and endangered our national security…
  • And gutting our military from the inside out, dismissing anyone who disagrees or dares to speak out and weakening our ability to respond to threats.

But our campaign will force Obama to either pardon Clint … or publicly acknowledge that he’s allowing an innocent American soldier to sit behind bars for protecting his men from a Taliban attack.

Clint Lorance signed up to serve his country and risked his life on the battlefield to protect your freedom. When his men were threatened, he did exactly what our military trained him to do.

As a combat veteran with 22 years of service, I can’t turn my back on this young soldier. And I hope you won’t either.

That’s why I’m writing you this letter on behalf of the United American Patriots (UAP), an organization founded by another combat veteran who knows just like I do that you can’t second-guess our young men for their split-second actions behind enemy lines.

UAP provides legal defenses for soldiers like Clint who have been unfairly accused of crimes for their actions in deadly combat zones. In fact, they’re assisting 6 other wrongly accused soldiers who are sitting behind bars at Fort Leavenworth, in addition to funding 3 separate efforts to free Clint – an appeal, a motion for mistrial and of course this Presidential Pardon campaign.

But as a non-profit organization, UAP doesn’t receive a dime of federal funding. Instead, they depend on the big hearts of American patriots like you who support them and their mission.

UAP has calculated the cost of filing all the paperwork for Clint’s official pardon request and this Petition campaign to be more than $385,000. But I don’t think you can put a price tag on this young man’s freedom!

I’m not asking you to write a check for $385,000. But I am asking you to make a tax-deductible gift of $31 after you sign the Petition.

Every penny raised will support UAP’s efforts to collect millions of Petitions on Clint’s behalf – and cover the legal fees for other innocent soldiers – so if you are in the position to send a larger tax-deductible gift in the amount of $50, $100, $500 or more, I pray you will.

Lt. Clint Lorance served our country honorably and courageously for 10 years. He does not deserve to be treated as a cold-blooded murderer for doing his job.

Will you take just 30 seconds right now to fight for Lt. Lorance’s freedom by signing the PRESIDENTIAL PARDON FOR ARMY LT. CLINT LORANCE and make your best tax-deductible contribution of $31 or more.

On behalf of Lt. Lorance and his family, his legal team and UAP, thank you in advance for your support.

Steadfast and loyal,

LTC(R) Allen West
Congressman (2011-2013)

P.S. If you agree that it’s time to send this innocent American soldier home to his family, please sign the PRESIDENTIAL PARDON FOR ARMY LT. CLINT LORANCE right away and make your best tax-deductible donation of $31 or more to United American Patriots.

United American Patriots is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. All donations are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.

Mailing Address: 121-F Shields Park Drive, Kernersville, NC 27284

© Copyright 2016,

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Woodbine—Mayor William Pikolycky, Mayor of Woodbine, is honored  to share that on Thursday, November 17, 2016, New Jersey’s mayors elected him, to serve on the Executive Board of the New Jersey State League of Municipalities, where he will be able present  the perspective of small, rural, and especially Pinelands, communities.

As a member of the League’s Executive Board, Mayor Pikolycky will help lead the Association of New Jersey’s 565 municipal governments. Mayor Pikolycky will represent the interests and needs of New Jersey’s local elected officials to county, state and federal governments.

Mayor Pikolycky was first elected Mayor of Woodbine in November 1990.

He served as a councilman there from January 1979 until his election as Mayor.

He currently serves as Chair of the Woodbine Municipal Utilities Authority and of the Woodbine Port Authority, and is Chair of the Pinelands Municipal Council. He is a League of Municipalities representative on the Board of Trustees for Sustainable Jersey. He has been a member of the New Jersey Water Association since 1991. He has also been involved with the MidAtlantic Pilots Association and the AOPA. He served as President of the New Jersey Conference of Mayors in 2005, and now serves as a director. He was also Past President of the Cape May County League of Municipalities. He served on the Board of Directors for the Sam Azeez Museum of Woodbine Heritage and is now on the Advisory Board of the Anne Azeez Instructional Site of Stockton College, which is also located in Woodbine.

He has been inducted by the New Jersey State League of Municipalities into the Elected Officials Hall of Fame for serving twenty years in elected office. The honor is reserved for local municipal governing body members who served for a minimum of 20 years in elected municipal office. Mr. Pikolycky has served the Borough of Woodbine for 12 years as council member and is in his twenty-sixth year as mayor. Mayor Pikolycky was also elected into the League’s Mayors’ Hall of Fame upon serving twenty years in that office.

The New Jersey State League of Municipalities is a voluntary association created to assist communities do a better job of self-governing through pooling information and resources.  All 565 mayors and 13,000 elected and appointed officials of member municipalities are entitled to all the services and privileges of the League.

“The Good Timers” Holiday Concert at Woodbine Community Center 7Dec16

CONTACT: Mayor’s Office


05 November, 2016

Woodbine—Mayor William Pikolycky is pleased to announce that the Cape May County Retired Senior Volunteer Program in collaboration with the Woodbine Recreation Commission and the Mayors Wellness Campaign will present “The Good Timers” Holiday Concert at the Woodbine Community Center, 812 Longfellow Street, Woodbine, on December 7, from 10:30 am to noon.

This event to open to all Woodbine and neighboring area residents.

“I wish to thank the Cape May County Retired Senior Volunteer Program and our Woodbine Recreation Commission for bringing us this program again this year. As a special treat for Seniors, this is also a part of our Mayors Wellness Campaign”, noted Mayor Pikolycky.


Woodbine—Mayor William Pikolycky is pleased to announce that Woodbine AARP Chapter 5292 will be holding its Christmas luncheon December 1, 2016, at Surf Dog,1563 Route 550, Woodbine, from noon am to 2 pm.

Entrée is choice of either Penne Vodka, Flounder, or Chicken Piccata.

Nonalcoholic beverage & dessert also provided.

Cost is $20 (no refunds). Please indicate your meal choice on check.

Make check payable to AARP Chapter 5292. Checks can be mailed to AARP, PO Box 678, Woodbine, NJ 08270

All Seniors welcome to attend.

Deadline for payment is November 23. Payment will NOT be taken at the door.

The AARP is also requesting the donation of gifts for door prizes from local businesses.

For information call Larry Jones 609-231-3486; or Dee Ciabatoni 608-408-1783;

“This will made a great kick-off to the winter holiday season and a chance to enjoy yourself with friends.”, says our wonderful Mayor.