Bishop McHugh Honors Students with Fruit of the Spirit Awards

Bishop McHugh Honors Students with
Fruit of the Spirit Awards
Students in preschool through grade 8 were recognized for embodying the Gospel value of love during the month of September at Bishop McHugh Regional Catholic School. The Fruit of the Spirit awards are presented monthly to students who exhibit the attributes of a Christian life: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.
Pictured left to right are:
(back row) Principal Tom McGuire, Jasmine Filippo, Luke Monichetti, John Pond, Lily Capone, Lauren Montalbano
(middle row) Quinn Laricks, Bradin Roberts, Erin McMahon, Adriana Bader
(front row) Brooklyn Arena, Kelly Hill, Leighton Hill
Not pictured: Persi Paul, Skylar Arena
            Bishop McHugh Regional School is a PreK-8 regional school in Cape May County with a student-centered curriculum grounded in the Gospel values. For more information, visit The community is invited to “Like” Bishop McHugh on Facebook at

(An ongoing expose about the reality of politics in SNJ) The 300 dollar legal Vendetta

      LAW and The Human Side in Any Conflict
The following is the first of a series of stories that grew out of the six year saga of the indictment of the former mayor of Wildwood, Gary DeMarzo and his attorney Sam Lashman by the Cape May County Prosecutor Robert Taylor. In it the Independent Examiner will attempt to interview all sides involved and treat each with objectivity and integrity.  In any epic legal battle it is easy to lose sight of the fact that real flesh and blood human beings are involved. This series will focus on the participants as people and how the events of six years have affected their lives and the lives of those closest to them. We hope you find it thought provoking.
            “He who goes to law takes a wolf by the ear.” Russian Proverb
             When the attorney who represented Gary DeMarzo filed the civil suit alleging wrong doing among various individuals and government entities he was very clear about the objective they sought.  Atlantic City-based attorney Eric Lubin,, who also represented  attorney Sam Lashman, said that the two were not seeking specific monetary damages. Instead, “we just want a jury to hear this,” Lubin said, adding “His whole life was tarnished,”  This was ,Lubin said the effect the indictments had on DeMarzo, a former city police officer whose term as mayor ended in May 2011, when he lost the election after having been indicted by the County prosecutor. The indictment began a legal struggle that is now in its sixth year. During that time DeMarzo has been brought almost to financial catastrophe, had his former pristine reputation trashed and been forced to reorder his life and dreams in ways he never imagined when he first ventured into politics in 2005. Recently the Independent Examiner sat down with him and asked him what enabled him to keep going and not just throw in the towel as many others would have.
De Marzo began by telling I/E how he came to live in South Jersey. DeMarzo is a New York City boy, the son of a Jewish Mother and an Italian Father and like many from our neighbor to the north he loved to vacation at the Jersey shore, especially Wildwood. Then like so many before him he met and fell in love with one of our local beauties, Brandy and decided to make the vacation permanent. The year was 1990. The same year he began his career in law enforcement.
What attracted you to go into law enforcement? “It was a life’s dream,” he said.He told us that he was raised by his parents to always consider not just what he could do for himself but how he could contribute to his community as well. “I liked the human aspect of the job, interacting with people at their best and worst, the grittiness I guess. And I felt I got to do some good for others.”
How did you become involved in local politics? “Another one of my passions is education,” said DeMarzo who had worked as a substitute teacher, He also referenced his experience as a local cop.” Working as a policeman I saw a lot of kids who got in trouble because they were deprived of a lot including education.”  With that mind set DeMarzo ran for the School Board in 2005 and was elected .He served a two year term and then set his sights on City Hall. There was also a change in the administration of the Police Department. “A lot of the older officers who had ever anticipate the trouble you were DeMarzo admits to acting inappropriately in one instance which merited him a suspension. He ran for Commissioner in 2007 and won. It was then he availed himself of a state law the Electoral Leave Act which permitted him to take a leave of absence from his police job. Others in City government disagreed with his interpretation of the law and wanted him to resign completely from the police department or as mayor. The legal marathon began.
Did you ever anticipate the trouble you were courting when you became mayor? ”Not really. Mr. Davenport and Troiano spent $50,000 of the taxpayers’ money to get at me and I get it. Politics is rough and tumble. But then it escalated from the purely political to the personal.”
DeMarzo is here referring to the criminal indictments which lasted for four years brought by the County prosecutor We will not retell this part of the story here as the  I/E wants to focus on how this all affected Gary as a person.
How did you feel being a police officer and being charged with a felony that carried a stiff prison term?  “When somebody does this to you it’s terrifying.”
Would you have been able to work out a deal that would have avoided a jail term and resulted in only a minor penalty? “I’m sure I could’ve.”
Then why didn’t you?  “My parents are still alive. They raised me with strong ethical values. My Dad always stressed ‘Don’t lie don’t cheat don’t steal Keep your word. Honor the family name. I couldn’t tarnish my Dad’s name by pleading guilty to something I was not guilty of.”
You had another big event in 2010 also. “The birth of my son Garrett. He is the joy of my life. I did not want to make him grow up in shame thinking his dad was a crooked politician. I owed it to him to protect the honor of the family name.”
How did your wife Brandy handle this given the effects it would have on her life. At his point DeMarzo takes a deep breath trying. to compose his emotions. “My wife is such a blessing.   She has been a rock. She has never wavered in her support of me and this whole event was devastating to us financially, emotionally socially and she just stood by me like a rock. I don’t know what I would do without her. We both had to go to counselling to learn how to deal with the stress. and the exhaustion.”
What did you find to be the most terrible about the entire ordeal? “The fact that someone else involved in law enforcement would do this to me I was a cop. Imagine a felony conviction! This was a death sentence. Cops don’t make it in prison.”
What are your plans for the future? Do they include politics?  “The whole ordeal made me redefine and refocus my life and the priorities of my life. Such a thing redefines who you are when you are four years under indictment and the cable has to go, the cars have to go because you can’t afford the car insurance, no more vacations and then there are the legal expenses, without the help of family and friends I may have ended up homeless.”
What would you like to leave our readers with? “Don’t cheat. Don’t Lie. Don’t steal. You only have your name and your honor and you have to protect that.”
                                                                                                                       Staff Reporter


7/5/16 (Wildwood, NJ) — Cape Assist received a $600 donation from Rio Station Restaurant owners, Ric & Kathleen Rutherford and guests that attended a party at their home.  “We are so grateful to the Rutherford family and their friends for their generous donation to Cape Assist,” said Katie Faldetta, Cape Assist Acting Executive Director,  “ The Rutherford’s turned a summer party at their home into a very successful fundraising event.” Cape Assist is a non-profit dedicated the prevention of substance abuse prevention in the Cape May County community.
If you or someone you know needs help, please call Cape Assist at 609-522-5960. To donate or for more information, visit, call (609) 522-5960 or like us on Facebook. Your donations make it possible for the organization to offer much-needed services and programs to prevent and treat substance abuse throughout Cape May County, NJ.
Attached Photo #1: (Katie Faldetta, Cape Assist Acting Executive Director with Ric Rutherford, Owner of Rio Station and President of Cape Assist Board of Trustees)
Photo #2: Ric & Kathleen Rutherford, owners of Rio Station Restaurant.
The Cape Assist organization is a non-profit agency, dedicated to servicing Cape May County for over 30 years. Cape Assist promotes health and wellness in the community, implementing research-based services to seniors, schools, businesses, and organizations, all structured to enrich families and build healthy communities. 609-522-5960. 3819 New Jersey Avenue, Wildwood, NJ 08260                
Contact:   Colleen Cornell   856-904-8484


Jason Kelce and Laura Rainer 10Jul31INDEPENDENT EXAMINER

July 10, 2016



Cape May Court House-

An Eagle landed in Cape May Court House on Monday morning courtesy of Acme markets and 94 WIP, the all sports radio station. Jason Kelce, the 6’3”, 295 pound, 28 year old plays Center for the Philadelphia Eagles. He was in Cape May Country with radio broadcaster Marc Farzetta to connect with the many local fans and to express appreciation for all the support they receive every season. Laura Rainer, the manager of the Court House Acme was thrilled to have them and credited the marketing team of B.J.Zellers and Kevin Gilman from Acme corporate headquarters in Malvern, Pennsylvania with arranging the event. Our Court House Acme was chosen to represent the stores throughout the county. “It’s wonderful. I really appreciate the hard work of all my employees and the great community we serve,” said Rainer. Farzetta, who grew up in Ambler, Pennsylvania said he loved the annual 94 At the Shore event. “We have a lot of fans here and we appreciate all of them.”

Eagles training camp begins next week and the INDEPENDENT EXAMINER asked the Eagles’ center what the biggest challenge was for him. “The heat presents a challenge and it is important to keep hydrated”, Kelce said. The temperatures of mid-summer, the padding, the equipment and the strenuous physical exertion combine to create ideal conditions for heat exhaustion and stroke. Kelce explained that players are weighed before and after practice each time and must regain their pre-practice weight by the next morning in order to be able to attend the next practice.

Kelce was a 6th round draft pick in 2011 who through intelligence, hard work and perseverance became the starting center for the Eagles. The team rewarded him with a contract that extends until 2020.He would make no predictions but expressed a lot of optimism for the season citing the resigning of players and smart free agent choices to bolster the Eagles line up. Kelce is an Ohio guy whose father and grandfather played college ball. He has a younger brother Travis who plays for the Kansas City Chiefs and is about to star in a reality television. show on the E! channel, “Catching Kelce.” It is a dating game where women from 50 states will compete to intercept his heart. Jason is familiar with Cape May telling the INDEPENDENT EXAMINER he visits Sea Isle City regularly. “I’m excited about this season. We have a really good team,” he said. With Jason Kelce as one of the leaders for this “new and improved” team this season promises to be an exciting one!


Earth Day is not a really a day about our Earth.

This is for April — in time for Earth Day

How did we win World War II? Hmm? The Japanese attacked us, then Germany declared war on us. Once we were attacked we responded with full force. Our entire nation joined together to take down our enemy and we determined that no matter how long it would take, no matter how many of our loved ones had to sacrifice their lives – we were going to beat the bastards and then we were going to live free again.

We need that attitude now!

And another thing, along with fortifying the home front, what did we do? We pounded Japan and German – mercilessly – until they cried uncle and surrendered unconditionally.

We have allowed our enemies to take ground within our country for far too long. They have lied to us, they have taken over our universities and schools from pre-K up, they have taken over our media and they have been rewriting our history filled with lies.


Last year my daughter came home from college with a flyer that stated this nonsense:

______ College presents a Day of Environmental Awareness

Love your Mother Earth Day Event

April 22, 2015

So, while we have allowed these fools to attack our national holidays – our HOLY DAYS OF CHRISTMAS, EASTER, THANKSGIVING – they have been very busy inserting their holy day into our public schools and even our towns and states are honoring a day that is the BIRTHDAY OF VLADIMIR LENIN!!!!

Allow me to give you an excerpt from Discover the Networks massive information on the Earth Day Network and their lovely holiday they cooked up (

The earliest roots of the Earth Day Network (EDN) can be traced back to 1969, when Democratic U.S. Senator Gaylord Nelson and Stanford University professor Paul Ehrlich decided to organize a nationwide teach-in on environmentalism. They recruited Denis Hayes, who would later become president and CEO of the Bullitt Foundation, to coordinate and implement the first-ever Earth Day celebration on April 22, 1970, the centennial of Vladimir Lenin’s birthday. Author and meteorologist Brian Sussman emphasizes that the selection of that date was no coincidence:

“After careful consideration a name and date for the event were chosen: the inaugural Earth Day would be celebrated April 22, 1970—Russian dictator Vladimir Lenin’s Centennial.

“Environmentalists have always admired Lenin.  He was the first disciple of Karl Marx to capture control of a country, and the opening act of his seven-year reign commenced with the abolition of all private property—a Marxist priority.  Despite overseeing a bloody civil war, a devastated economy and a citizenry without hope, Lenin made it a priority to implement his signature decree, ‘On Land.’  In it he declared that all forests, waters, and minerals to be the exclusive property of the state, and he demanded these resources be protected from use by the public and private enterprise. Selling timber or firewood, mining minerals, or diverting water for farming was strictly prohibited.”

Ever since that 1970 event, which is widely regarded as the launch point of the modern environmental movement, Earth Day has been celebrated annually on that same date. By EDN’s telling, Earth Day is now “the largest secular holiday in the world,” with over a billion people participating in its festivities each year.

In 1994 Nelson, Ehrlich, and Hayes collaborated to formally co-found EDN as an organization that could promote environmental activism on a year-round basis. Dedicated to building “broad-based citizen support for sound, workable and effective environmental and sustainable development policies for all,” this Network strives to help its ideological allies “connect, interact, … impact their communities, and create positive change in local, national, and global policies.” All told, EDN works with more than 22,000 organizational partners in 192 countries.

While emphasizing environmental issues above all else, EDN’s focus commonly extends to other matters as well. Its New York chapter, for instance, became a member organization of the Abolition 2000 nuclear-disarmament coalition. Six months after the 9/11 attacks, EDN president Kathleen Rogers said that while violent terrorism was worthy of Americans’ attention, “there is [the] more insidious and pervasive terrorism of poverty, hunger, homelessness, inadequate education and health care, and population growth that remains a daily, mortal threat to the vast majority of the world.”

There’s more – so much more – but the above is enough for you to start engaging your battle plans. Earth Day is the holy day of people who want to take away our freedom and who love a man that is responsible for the murder of his own people, the theft of private property, the torture of numbers of humans too great to count – and MISERY.

Here are my marching orders:

1. Go to Discover the Networks ( and study everything you can about Earth Day and all its founders.

2. Gather up your like minded friends and plan making regular speeches at your town halls educating everyone you know about Earth Day.

3. Start a movement to end Earth Day – or even better – turn Earth Day into an educational movement that highlights the martyrs of atheistic governments, and at the same time – education on Communism and socialism.

4. Have movie nights all throughout April showing movies and documentaries on Communism, Socialism and heroes and martyrs who stood up to these evil ideals.

5.  Contact your state legislators, your governors, your local town councils and demand that Earth Day be exposed for what it truly is and then let the whole public understand the truth.

This is how we take the fight to their “homeland”.
This is  how we win!


-Joy Cehlar

God always answers prays. Always!

What have I learned?

God answers prayers — I personally witnessed three miracles with my mom. Her cancer is miraculously cured! I went to visit for just a weekend. During that weekend I saw her give up on life. She told me that she was ok with “moving on.” I told her I was not, that if God decided to take her, that was ok, but she better fight to live until He decides to take her home. She was surprised with my reaction. I told her she had unfinished business and that she needed to stop planning her retirement from life. I said she needed to see my kids and she needed to teach me to cook! New life came into her eyes. She started to fight and take her physical therapy and exercises seriously. She started listening to my dad. And then — Saturday night something terrible happened. She started telling me that she was bad. Then she said she was good. Then she kept wanting me to be happy. Then she cried out in pain non stop. I let my dad know what was happening. Dad was afraid she was going into a stroke. I was afraid she was going to die. We rushed her to the hospital. It turned out that she had a urinary tract infection. If we had not caught it that night she might have died. I left that morning back on a 14 hour drive thinking my mom was going to die. They finally decided to keep my mom in the hosptial. The doctors and nurses watched over her non stop. I prayed and cried like I have never prayed in cried before. The next morning I got the news — NO LIVE CANCER CELLS IN MOM’S BODY! She was basically cured. She just needed to complete the chemo and have surgery to take out the big cancer cells. This was a miracle — A TRUE MIRACLE!

But the story is not over. Mom’s heart not working properly. They had to give her a shock treatment to get her heart back into rhythm before they could do surgery. When mom went into to have the shock treatment, the doctor was shocked and amazed — Mom’s heart was beating normally!

This made the THIRD MIRACLE regarding my mom. I told you the story about when she first discovered the cancer it was so bad that one night it looked like she was going to die. I prayed the entire rosary for the first time in my life. After I finished praying that morning I received the call that my mom had pulled through in surgery and that the doctor felt God’s hand stopping him from going further with the surgery. It turned out if he had snipped just one more inch Mom would have died.

But the story does not end there. Six months ago I began praying sincerely that my feelings of anger and bitterness towards my parents and my brother and sister be eradicated. I prayed that God show himself to my mom and dad and enable them to believe and love him. That was before my mom got cancer. Then my mom mysteriously, violently, and suddenly, got this cancer. Long story short, my relationship with my sister is warm and loving now — a miracle. I see her in a way that in all my life I never saw her. I see a good person who has suffered all her life with Irlens disease but never knew it. Because all my children were diagnosed with it, I was able to recognize the signs when she started telling me the symptoms. I would never talk to my sister before, because of this experience, I talk to her, I listen to her, and I love her. I was able to tell her about the Irlens and she immediately found a specialist and was diagnosed with severe Irlens. The cure is simple and wonderful — specially tinted glasses! (

But there’s more. My dad started talking to me about God, my sister started talking to me about God and my mom started talking to me about God. Unsolicited!

You have to understand, although we all went to church all our lives, I began to feel my whole family had lost faith. God gave me the beautiful gift of showing me that they understood who He was and they loved and revered Him.

My eyes are filling with water as I write this.

My dad actually sat up with me when I was visiting and told me about how his Sunday School classes were what made him know there was a God. He told me about how his little town was filled with churches. Red Rock Oklahoma once had many churches. They died off by the time I came along so I never knew it.

The next lesson God taught me — TRUST HIM — DO NOT BE AFRAID.

I was obsessed with finding out everything that was going on in the world and what was every twist and turn in the country. I had to know and the more I knew the more I despaired because I could not understand what I must do to stop the evil that was coming.

All that fear washed away during Lent. I read the Bible and other books and materials. I cleaned my house — I know most of you would wonder why that was so special — believe me — it is a miracle — I am no June Cleaver — I wish and strive for it before my children are out of the house.

And I prayed — everyday.

God answered my prayers. He gave me calm. He enabled me to find the right books to study to understand this evil coming and what we must do about it.

I understand evil and I understand Good. I understand that anger leads to fear and fear leads to panic and panic leads to doing what Satan wants.

And I understand that the only way to bring back the United States that we love is to bring the United States back to God.

You will find out more about that in the near future. I have a plan — boy do I have a plan!

If it be wise — it is from God. If I fail — it was through my own foolishness.

Thank you all for being my friends. I thank God for each and everyone of you.

Happy Easter!

Romance and Love. Is it gone or just forgotten?

Have we, as a people, lost the meaning and art of love that lasts a lifetime?


Romance truly means the beauty and joy and quite frankly the thrill of falling hard, deep inside your soul, for another person. Then that feeling translates into a fabulous chase called “wooing”. Wooing is the delightful art of strategics to make the object of your desire to fall in love with you as much as you have fallen in love with him or her.

The end game, the prize, the goal, if followed through successfully, gains a mutual love that will carry the couple through hard times, boring times, tempting times. The couple will, despite getting on each others’ nerves far too often than they want to admit, will loyally defend one another against all outside attacks, will comfort one another in times of pain and heartbreak, will cherish one another to the point of painfully holding on to the bitter end when one must say goodbye as the other must leave for the next world.

My parents, Billy Joe and Florene, two farm kids from Oklahoma, fell in love at the tender ages of 16 and 17. They married at that age, had children starting in their early twenties, became grandparents at the youthful age of their early forties, and now, hang onto one another, fighting fiercely to continue this journey together. Last weekend I went to visit my mom. She has ovarian cancer. I had not seen her since she contracted the disease. I had heard that the end was near and I needed to get out there to see her. I also heard that my dad was in denial and that he could not accept the inevitable.

So I went.

Dad wheeled a creature in a wheelchair that I did not recognize. This creature had a mishaped face, ravaged by chemo, and bleak with expressionless emotion and death in her eyes.  The shock was that my feisty mom looked like a woman who had given up.

My dad, however, looked like a man twenty years younger. He was full of cheer and full of a mission. I had not seen this in him for twenty years. He was not in denial, he was in war mode. He was going to carry my mom to victory.

And how he looked at her. He looked at her the way he looked at her when she was twenty. Over the years, women had tried to snare my dad away from my mom. My mom would point this out to him and he would look at her like she was crazy. As far as he could ration, what would any woman want with a baldy like him? When one time it became evident that even my dad had to see it, he was in shock. You see, it never occurred to him that infidelity was on the table. My mom, looked at my dad with humor and understanding. She used to tell me that Dad was like a puppy chasing a car, he looked, but if he caught the car he wouldn’t know what to do with it. Mom never doubted that Dad would stray. The thought never occurred to her to stray either.

That is love, that is romance.

Late into the first night of my visit I talked to Dad. He told me that he thought mom was going to die when she first went into surgery. He thought that he would not survive her leaving him. But when she made it through that fateful night that God spared her, Dad decided that nothing would stop him from doing everything he could to save her. He firmly looked at me with rugged determination, “Cathy,” he said, “When I worked for Defense Mapping that was my career. When Mom got sick, that became my career.”

So what happened to this art of romance – this skill of love? When and how did romance become the codeword for porn and sex toys?

Believe it or not, we can all point to someone – a man named Kinsey. An evil man in Indiana turned love on its head and polluted the minds, hearts and souls of a generation of men who came home from World War II. Alfred Kinsey hired pedophiles to conduct research on sex in children. These evil men included a father that regularly molested his daughter, using a stop watch to carefully document data on his daughter’s reactions to his “romance”, and another monster, a Nazi pedophile who documented his experiments on children he raped in the death camp he lorded over. You can read David Kupelian’s book, Marketing of Evil to read all about Alfred Kinsey and his insanity. You can also refer to Worldnet Daily’s articles that detail Kinsey’s research data, tools, and “employees.” (;;;

Today, Kinsey would be proud of the products of his “research”. Young people use sex as a way of thanking someone for a favor, or just to do something because it might be fun.

But in the midst of all this fun, fun, fun, comes great destruction – children are reared in the mindset that they are a bother and should be warehoused in front of a tv instead of read to and comforted, cuddled, and adored. Moms and dads don’t see why they need to get married, at least not until the bride gets rid of her baby bump. Guys have forgotten that they need to be the protector of their blood kin, and gals have forgotten that they deserve to be protected by their knight.

Yet, funny, children always come as a clean slate. They instinctively look for romance and love the way it is meant to be.

A few years ago, my daughter danced a solo. She danced to Taylor Swift’s song, mine. In this song, the girl laments how she was guarded because her parents did not stay together. Though she was in love with an honorable man, the first big fight lead to her running away in despair. Her love ran after her and said, “I will never leave you alone.” My daughter danced to this song as a ballerina. After the dance, two little girls who were in hip hop came to me and asked me if I was her mother. I told them yes. They gushed, “She was like a princess!”

You see, all is never lost. God placed in each of us the desire to look for the good, the valiant, the honorable, the true path to happiness.

There have always been deceitful evil snakes trying to lure us from light into the dark. But, the path back is always more simple than we think – turn on the light and head to it.

For those like me, generations lead down the wrong path – we must turn around and forge the right path for the younger ones.

Back to my dad and my mom and my visit. The last night that I was there we had to rush to the hospital. Dad and I thought it might be the end. My dad looked at my mom and stroked her face and kissed her and talked with the most soothing voice. “I know,” he said, “I know you have been through so much. I’m not going to leave you.”

The next morning my mom pulled through. God granted a miracle. The cancer cells were all dead ones. The doctors were stunned and pleased and told my dad that my mom should recover completely now.

That’s love, that’s romance. 

Cathy Driscoll