Are SNJ schools turning kids into Muslims?

Islamic Rubric Jan 25Jan16

Good Morning Friends,

       It’s a beautiful winter morning at the jersey shore.  I thank God for another day to enjoy.  However, my mood is not as good as it should be because of the attached file.  I hope when you see it you will appreciate the fact and my belief, that our children are the victims of some horrible scheme.  My fight against the initiative of Common Core began three years ago.   I never thought that it would take this turn.  I am admittedly a social media loser,  however,  I do the best I can trying to spread the word.  I need your help. 

     My seventh grade, just turned 13 year old grandson was given this assignment/project (attached) to complete this month.  A brand new 2016 lesson!  When I saw it, I was horrified.  This is a very large,  southern New Jersey suburban public school district.   Big taxes, high rent, etc. .. 

     The attached will explain my dismay and disgust.  I know this has been happening in other states across our country and parents have been fighting back.  Unfortunately, our governors and legislators are ignoring the will of the people.  Please use your spheres of influence and social media saavy to spread this word.  This must stop!

     Please let me know your thoughts and pray that we can stop this propaganda that is infecting our children.


I do say, God bless and be with you,


(609) 846-7842


Concerned Citizens of SNJ, Co-Founder

Tea Party Patriots of SNJ, Director


United State Parents Involved in Education

Politics here and there.

Welcome!  We are all part of a great adventure here.  Thank you for joining the fun!  We will be looking at the politics and the local interest of the South jersey area. We will are an investigative New Paper with a strong political bent but we will not fore go the other parts of SNJ either.

We will be investigating and exposing short comings of our leaders.

We will be delving into the issues that matter.

We will have multiple section with many topics.  This will give our followers diverse articles that will be enjoyable, thought provoking, not boring, and educational

Will be your voice, please help us and be our ears.

This publication is for all to contribute to.  With that in mind please contact us with any story suggestions, comments, concerns, or issues.  We welcome and encourage feed back and contributions.

My Name is DR Smith, editor in chief.  I am your captain for this great adventure.

Myself and my crew are honored to be here to share in the undertaking with you.  Thank you.

-DR Smith

Quis Custodiet Ipsos Custodes?  We do!