Help a Warrior Receive Justice instead of Political Correctness

—– Forwarded Message —–
From: LTC(R) Allen West <>
To: DR Smith <swordand>
Sent: Friday, November 18, 2016  1400
Subject: I need your signature on this Petition
Dear Mr. Smith,

As a combat veteran, I’m asking you to sign the PRESIDENTIAL PARDON PETITION FOR ARMY LT. CLINT LORANCE right away because right now President Obama is allowing an innocent U.S. soldier to sit in prison for protecting the men under his command in Afghanistan.

In July, 2012, Lt. Clint Lorance was sent to Afghanistan to replace a platoon leader who was seriously wounded in a Taliban attack. On his third day on the job, Clint and his men were on patrol when a U.S. helicopter radioed that a motorcycle was sitting outside of the village near a road only used by the Taliban. When the motorcycle started gunning toward the platoon, Lt. Lorance ordered his marksman to fire.

Two of the riders were killed. The other was captured in the village, where days earlier a U.S. soldier was shot in the neck.

Those of us who have been stationed in Afghanistan know the tactics and actions of the enemy.

Without a doubt, these men posed a threat to Clint’s platoon. And as the commanding officer, Clint knew he was responsible for getting every single one of his soldiers back to base alive.

Yet our own government didn’t agree. Lt. Lorance was convicted of murder and sentenced to 20 years at the U.S. Disciplinary Barracks at Fort Leavenworth.

Now you know why I’m asking you to follow this link to sign the PRESIDENTIAL PARDON PETITION right away.

You see, it is customary for U.S. Presidents to grant high-profile pardons just before leaving office. And with just two months left in Obama’s term, now is the time to start putting massive pressure on the White House.

In fact, Lt. Lorance’s legal team has already hand-delivered an official request for a Presidential Pardon to the White House. Now you and I must do our part.

Will you follow this link to sign the PRESIDENTIAL PARDON PETITION right now?

You and I both know that petitioning a president as anti-military as Obama is a last resort. In fact, while our government lets Clint rot in a prison cell, President Obama has been:

  • Releasing the terrorists at Gitmo…
  • Demanding that your tax dollars fund “sex hormone therapy” for U.S. Army PFC Bradley Manning, who leaked classified documents and endangered our national security…
  • And gutting our military from the inside out, dismissing anyone who disagrees or dares to speak out and weakening our ability to respond to threats.

But our campaign will force Obama to either pardon Clint … or publicly acknowledge that he’s allowing an innocent American soldier to sit behind bars for protecting his men from a Taliban attack.

Clint Lorance signed up to serve his country and risked his life on the battlefield to protect your freedom. When his men were threatened, he did exactly what our military trained him to do.

As a combat veteran with 22 years of service, I can’t turn my back on this young soldier. And I hope you won’t either.

That’s why I’m writing you this letter on behalf of the United American Patriots (UAP), an organization founded by another combat veteran who knows just like I do that you can’t second-guess our young men for their split-second actions behind enemy lines.

UAP provides legal defenses for soldiers like Clint who have been unfairly accused of crimes for their actions in deadly combat zones. In fact, they’re assisting 6 other wrongly accused soldiers who are sitting behind bars at Fort Leavenworth, in addition to funding 3 separate efforts to free Clint – an appeal, a motion for mistrial and of course this Presidential Pardon campaign.

But as a non-profit organization, UAP doesn’t receive a dime of federal funding. Instead, they depend on the big hearts of American patriots like you who support them and their mission.

UAP has calculated the cost of filing all the paperwork for Clint’s official pardon request and this Petition campaign to be more than $385,000. But I don’t think you can put a price tag on this young man’s freedom!

I’m not asking you to write a check for $385,000. But I am asking you to make a tax-deductible gift of $31 after you sign the Petition.

Every penny raised will support UAP’s efforts to collect millions of Petitions on Clint’s behalf – and cover the legal fees for other innocent soldiers – so if you are in the position to send a larger tax-deductible gift in the amount of $50, $100, $500 or more, I pray you will.

Lt. Clint Lorance served our country honorably and courageously for 10 years. He does not deserve to be treated as a cold-blooded murderer for doing his job.

Will you take just 30 seconds right now to fight for Lt. Lorance’s freedom by signing the PRESIDENTIAL PARDON FOR ARMY LT. CLINT LORANCE and make your best tax-deductible contribution of $31 or more.

On behalf of Lt. Lorance and his family, his legal team and UAP, thank you in advance for your support.

Steadfast and loyal,

LTC(R) Allen West
Congressman (2011-2013)

P.S. If you agree that it’s time to send this innocent American soldier home to his family, please sign the PRESIDENTIAL PARDON FOR ARMY LT. CLINT LORANCE right away and make your best tax-deductible donation of $31 or more to United American Patriots.

United American Patriots is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. All donations are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.

Mailing Address: 121-F Shields Park Drive, Kernersville, NC 27284

© Copyright 2016,

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Bias in the media, by Bill Colley

There is a moment in Stephen King’s apocalyptic novel “The Stand” where two characters suddenly realize they’ve damned their souls. I read the book in just one week but when seeing the movie version the scene really struck me for its brevity. The characters acknowledge their plight and then move on as if they’ve lost nothing more than a quarter when fumbling for change. I suppose this is how many journalists react when they cross a line and become campaign appendages for Hillary Clinton. Or any Democrats of the past. The election of Barack Obama in 2008 now has the feel of ancient history, but I remember a statement from the editors at Politico. When the mother of one of the men criticized him for being in the tank for Obama the so-called journalist fired back in an editorial with two words: “So what?” So much for objectivity. I get the point editorials and opinion columns are held to a different standard. However, the man was responding to criticism of his site’s overall coverage.

Four years later we were subjected to similar moves by Candy Crowley and Chris Matthews during heated presidential debates. Matthews sold the trope a video mocking the Muslim Prophet was responsible for Benghazi. Not sure he’s ever said sorry. Crowley apologized after the fact but the damage was done. I give her credit for a moment of conscience. Even if it was brief. During the 2012 election cycle a guy at MSDNC named Lawrence O’Donnell mocked another prophet. He called Joseph Smith a charlatan, crook and adulterer. Maybe not in all of those words, but there was never any pangs of guilt for having insulted the faith of tens of millions of his fellow countrymen and countless millions around the world. O’Donnell remains a liberal icon. Any critics of Islam are shamed by the liberal establishment, media elites and other fellow travelers. Mormons are fair game for attack.

So I’m surprised when I see someone in media actually concerned about standards and the eventual destination of his soul. Enter Frank Miele. He’s a writer at a newspaper in Kalispell, Mont. I don’t know much about the place. An old girlfriend had a job offer in Kalispell four years ago and wanted me to join her there. When she found another line of work Montana for us got deep-sixed. I imagine it’s a bastion of conservatism by its location on the map. Miele I’m not sure about. His biography tells me he’s a native of Stony Point, N.Y. His hometown is a six or seven hour drive down Route 86 from my much more conservative hometown in Upstate New York. Miele worked previously in Bismarck and maybe in his wanderings he discovered liberalism isn’t a self-evident truth. Or he’s standing up for the ethics news media once etched on walls and followed like an evangelical follows the Bible. In a column last week the writer took on the behemoth known as the Associated Press. An AP reporter assigned to cover a Donald Trump rally wrote a lengthy story replete with subjective judgments about Trump’s motivations. An incensed Miele rewrote the wire copy by removing the faraway reporter’s biases.

His column was picked up by multiple outlets across the web. Give that man a medal!

A few weeks ago I picked up a telephone call and John Butler was on the line. The first time John called me was in 1989 when he offered me a job at one of the most respected news radio operations in the United States. We were in a small city, but when I went to visit him the following Monday there was a clipping on the newsroom wall. The station had been voted among the five best of its kind in the country. I spent six years working for the man. He was an old Goldwater Republican. Our managing editor could best be described as a Sanders socialist. I was a registered independent. Elected politicians frequently told me I worked for an enterprise that was the fairest of them all. John left for St. Louis in 1995 and for the next 20 years won every conceivable award for journalism for which a radio or TV station can qualify. Now retired the past 10 months he’s bemoaning the daily bias he witnesses. Another old mentor, Kenn Venit, teaches journalism at Quinnipiac University. Kenn’s older brother used to joke with me about his younger sibling being a media liberal. Not that I could ever detect Kenn had any politics. When I started hosting a political talk show in 2003 another one of my old mentors was flummoxed. “I didn’t know you were a conservative,” he said. He wasn’t supposed to know while I was reporting the news. None of you are supposed to know.

Reading the nasty comments from fellow travelers at the bottom of the Miele column in the Montana paper, it’s clear by the response the leftists believe the public is best served by a servile news media doing the bidding of liberal politicians. You’ll see the same angry comments if you read this writer’s column online. The walking pustules who hide beneath the guise of aliases don’t realize the talk radio universe and Donald Trump are reactions to the monopoly they once enjoyed. It’s the height of hubris to wake every day and claim your worldview is the only proper outlook. Apparently this hubris permeates the newsrooms of America where many believe it’s their civic duty to derail candidates they don’t like. I ask, when did God give them larger brains than readers, viewers and listeners? Where do they differ from Robespierre and other revolutionaries who maintain they’ve cornered the only truth and now must make their neighbors conform or be forced to conform to the latest social fads and social engineering?

Today I read where 7 percent of all births in the United States last year were the children of illegal immigrants. The night before I saw a story on CBS News where illegal immigrants were portrayed as victims and opposition is simply racist. This is bias writ large. As if taxpayers who are struggling to keep a job, find a job and heat their homes are bigots because they fear the destruction of their nation. If modern media would acknowledge the poor, white yokels had legitimate concerns, then maybe the rest of us would have more respect for journalists!

Those of you working in newsrooms across the country can’t be that blind to reality. America is ailing. The public needs unvarnished information to make decisions. Instead we’re fed a diet of groping, locker room jokes and allegations of racism. You may not know the name Samuel Joseph Wurzelbacher. The fellow travelers in media dubbed him Joe the Plumber. When he wasn’t impressed by candidate Obama eight years ago the news media gave Joe a figurative anal probe. Tell you what, when reporters start looking into the backgrounds of Trump’s accusers you’ll find a lot of people who are the cousins of Democrat Party ward bosses. But then that would be journalism. How could they then carry their girl across the finish line? To paraphrase a “Man for all Seasons;” It profits a man nothing to give his soul for the whole world… But for Hillary Clinton?

Bill Colley is the host of Top Story at News Radio 1310 AM.

Dylan. There is only one!

Only in America can small town Minnesota boys grow up to be rich, famous and successful in multiple trades. Bob Dylan, one such small town boy, recently received the 2016 Nobel Prize in none other than literature. In honor of this milestone in the great Bob Dylan’s life let us take a moment to follow his footsteps to this very moment.
He grew up in the little town of Hibbing, Minnesota and though he was raised in a close Jewish community his earliest years encompassed that wonderful invention known as the radio. He became immersed in music and by the time he reached high school age it seemed Dylan knew his destiny included music.  In the 1960’s Dylan settled in New York where he obtained every aspiring musician’s dream: a record deal. He began recording and on March 19,1962 and at the age of 20 he released his debut self-titled album, Bob Dylan. The trip to success had begun and he had no intention of stopping.
Through the 70’s, 80’s, 90’s, and now 2000’s Dylan has recorded and released multiple hits and albums. Between 1962 and 2016, Bob Dylan has released over 30 albums, many of them reaching silver, gold, and platinum status.
In June of 1988, Dylan began what became known as the “Never Ending Tour”. In other words, he is constantly on tour! Since 1988 he has performed over 100 concerts a year, a larger number than most of his musical contemporaries or new bands can hope to reach. Over the course of the “Never Ending Tour”  has acquired many new fans, both young and old.  It seems the music of this menstrual never goes out of fashion.
Mr. Dylan has accumulated many accolades in his time as a musician but has not limited himself to just singing and songwriting.  He has had success in most areas of his life. A great example of this is his award of the Presidential Medal of Freedom (The Presidential Medal of Freedom, the United States’ highest civilian award, recognizes exceptional meritorious service. The medal was established by President Truman in 1945 to recognize notable service in the war. In 1963, President Kennedy reintroduced it as an honor for distinguished civilian service in peacetime). In 2012 Robert A. Zimmerman (aka Bob Dylan) received the Presidential Medal of Freedom and in 2016 he won the Nobel Prize for Literature. This was no small feat. In fact, this amazing man remains only one of two people to ever receive both the Nobel Prize and an Oscar (Wikipedia).
Dylan has certainly made a name for himself that I am sure no one is going to forget very soon. He is distinguished and revered and honestly quite successful. I think now the only thing left to say is, Congratulations Bob Dylan on an incredible career and life!

-Rachel Driscoll


A warning from Jackson Hole

A warning for all those who fear the growth of big regulatory government.  I’ve seen it in action while visiting Jackson Hole, Wyoming.

On today’s edition of Top Story, I delved into what happens when Lefty believes it’s his/her responsibility to control lesser mortals.  While liberals claim to be doing this for your own good, from what I witnessed the “little people” are the ones paying the biggest price for leftist vanity.  The discussion is included in the video below.

Read More: When Liberals Take Over Your Town (Opinion) |

Does a supposed personal insult justify public injury?

Bill Colley is renown writer and talk show host with a very level head.

He once again looks at our past, refugees, immigration, and the US citizens who are slated with dealing with the decision to have people of a very different culture relocated in our communities whether they are welcomed or not.


Christian Writer Murdered at Courthouse in Jordan for Sharing “Blasphemous” Cartoon

What is wrong with this world we live in?  A cartoon gets you killed and no one wants to report it?  Is this another case of ‘America gone yellow’ or just The West letting being PC get in the way of doing the right thing and act against this kind of militant Islamic response?    You decide.

“Wild Horses Couldn’t Drag me Away”, and pretty soon there won’t be any ponies to be drug away by, if the BLM and this present Democratic administration has its way.

Sept. 16, 2016. Los Angeles, CA – The BLM (Bureau of Land Management) neither approves nor rejects recommendation by its Board to exterminate 44,000 wild American horses.  A number of recent media reports have essentially renounced valid concerns which threaten the lives of over 45,000 wild horses and burros in America.  In truth, the BLM has yet to decide the fate these innocent animals.  Reportedly the BLM has no intention of issuing a formal response on the issue until sometime in 2017.
Saving America’s Horses, an international initiative under the Wild For Life Foundation points to the BLM’s long history of creative damage control and propaganda campaigns when confronted with public exposure and uproar over its highly camouflaged wild horse and burro program.   “The BLM claims to protect the wild horses and burros under a so-called “without limitation” policy which they fail to enforce,” said Katia Louise, president of the Wild For Life Foundation.  Amidst the media flurry, it’s been reported that Tom Gorey, a spokesman for the bureau said that the agency will “continue its current policy of caring for unadopted or unsold wild horses and burros” and will “not sell or send any animals to slaughter.”
“To sell the animals ‘without limitation’ effectively strips their protection from abuse and slaughter,” adds Katia Louise.  “In other words, countless wild horses and burros will continue to die under BLM status quo practices.”
Despite mainstream news reports, America’s horses are not out of danger, states Wild For Life Foundation (WFLF) representatives.   Saving America’s Horses is therefore stepping up its educational campaign in effort to increase exposure of the truth to the public. In a statement from WFLF’s Saving America’s Horses Initiative, “We will be strengthening our fight to stop the killing, end the cruelty and save America’s horse and burro population from suffering gruesome death from roundups and slaughter.”  On Sept. 14, 2016, The Wild For Life Foundation, announced its release of a new series of PSA’s based on evidence presented in the powerful documentary film, Saving America’s Horses: A Nation Betrayed (2012)
Saving America’s Horses: A Nation Betrayed is a “searing indictment of governmental agencies involved in the slaughter of horses. The impassioned pic amasses impressive documentation, visual and testimonial, of systemic mistreatment of the animals, illegal and fraudulent practices regulating their sale, and the very real possibility of their extinction in the wild.” – Variety
With over 44,000 innocent wild American Mustangs lives at stake, and under what is now recognized as a valid veiled threat of EXTERMINATION by the BLM, it’s critical for these innocent beings that the true facts get out to the masses.
WFLF is asking horse and animal enthusiasts to help stop the dangerous and violent expulsion of America’s Mustangs from our lands by taking action. Supporters are encouraged to sign the Saving America’s Horses petition and join the Saving America’s Horses Initiative.  Through these efforts we will expose the systemic corruption that has left virtually worthless the Wild Free Roaming Horses and Burros Act, which is supposed to protect horses and burros. We can stop the killing and reverse the degradation to open rangelands caused by BLM mismanagement, but we must remain vigilant.  Horse and burro supporters can stay informed and get the facts they need through the WFLF Saving America’s Horses educational PSA series recently launched through the Saving America’s Horses Facebook page.
Media Contact: Kate Dudley
Phone: 310.439.9817
Wild for Life Foundation (WFLF) is a federally registered grassroots volunteer-based nonprofit charity established for the prevention of cruelty to animals with a focus on animal welfare and the protection of wildlife. Among our greatest concerns are imperiled wild horses and burros, abused, neglected and slaughter-bound wild and domestic equines, and inadequate standards of protection for America’s equine population as a whole. The WFLF promotes the conservation of wild horses and burros on their Native lands and the preservation of natural ecosystems and wildlife.  WFLF works to reduce suffering in the world and advocate humane behavior. The WFLF is achieving these goals through operating lifesaving animal rescue, sanctuary, rehabilitation, preservation, protection and educational programs that foster symbiotic environmental stewardship and healing partnerships with animals.

Up In Smoke?

     With marijuana businesses unable to use banks, the California Senate approved a bill Tuesday that would allow them to pay state taxes with cash while avoiding a penalty that is currently imposed.
     Senate sent Gov. Jerry Brown AB 821, which would end the state Board of Equalization policy of charging a 10% penalty when taxes of more than $10,000 are paid in cash. The board now considers waiving the penalty for cash payments on a case-by-case basis.  “It’s very cumbersome and time-consuming,” said Sen. Fran Pavley (D-Agoura Hills) of the waiver process.
     Federal law classifies marijuana as an illegal drug, which means businesses that handle cannabis cannot deposit their sales revenue at federally regulated banks.
Assemblyman Mike Gipson (D-Carson) carried the bill, which is supported by the marijuana industry.
     The bill was opposed by several Republicans, including Sen. Joel Anderson of San Diego, who noted that other industries would like the option of paying taxes with methods other than electronic transfer.With marijuana businesses unable to use banks, the California Senate approved a bill Tuesday that would allow them to pay state taxes with cash while avoiding a penalty that is currently imposed.
The Senate sent Gov. Jerry Brown AB 821, which would end the state Board of Equalization policy of charging a 10% penalty when taxes of more than $10,000 are paid in cash. The board now considers waiving the penalty for cash payments on a case-by-case basis.
“It’s very cumbersome and time-consuming,” said Sen. Fran Pavley (D-Agoura Hills) of the waiver process.
Federal law classifies marijuana as an illegal drug, which means businesses that handle cannabis cannot deposit their sales revenue at federally regulated banks.
Assemblyman Mike Gipson (D-Carson) carried the bill, which is supported by the marijuana industry.
The bill was opposed by several Republicans, including Sen. Joel Anderson of San Diego, who noted that other industries would like the option of paying taxes with methods other than electronic transfer.
“Why are we making exceptions for this industry and not all industries?” Anderson asked during the floor debate. “What would be the compelling reason to give them special treatment?”
“Why are we making exceptions for this industry and not all industries?” Anderson asked during the floor debate. “What would be the compelling reason to give them special treatment?”

Review of Sierra. Hmm. Another Album MUST HAVE or…MUST MISS?


What goes around comes around, so you better watch your step. This seems to be the opinion of the country female duo Maddie and Tae in their recently released single “Sierra.” This twangy ballad tells about a snobby girl who Maddie and Tae hope gets hers.

Released on May 16, 2016 the song “Sierra” made a very bold statement against mean girls who think they are better than everyone else.  Maddie Marlow and Taylor Dye, more familiarly known as Maddie and Tae, wrote the song about a girl whom Maddie knew in high school. Marlow told in an interview that Sierra was a former friend in Junior High School. However upon reaching High School Sierra turned on Marlow and became a veritable monster (YouTube). Maddie stated, “This Sierra girl would send me home crying . . .”

The song, though based off the girl Sierra, was written as a kind of therapy for Marlow. According to Maddie she never meant the song to be released. She only needed some closure and this song was her way of ensuring that happened. She obviously must have changed her mind.

“I wish I had something nice to say/About that girl and her million-dollar face/But beauty only gets you so far,” the opening lyrics to the song state. They continue by insinuating this girl, allegedly called Sierra does not have a heart: “A heart of pure gold is something very rare/And the only one she has is on that necklace that she wears/Acts like she’s some kind of movie star.”

The chorus uses the girl’s name and tells her how she cannot get away with the way she treats people and that someday it will all come back to bite her. “Sierra, Sierra, Girl, let me tell ya/ One day, you might need those friends that you ditched/ Sierra, Sierra Life ain’t all tiaras/You’re gonna find out that karma’s a…” Thus far I could not agree more. Treating other people wrongly and acting better than everybody only goes so far. The next part of the song I could not agree with, however. Maddie states, “To tell the truth, I ain’t even mad/ ‘Cause I know the universe is gonna get you back.” Ok, that is not so bad. Then they say this, “Ohh, I hope that I’m around when/ You get knocked up or get knocked down.” Sorry, folks, I cannot agree with that one.
Speaking as someone who has had friends stab me in the back I can understand exactly where Maddie and Tae are coming from. I also agree that someday all the bad things you have done in your life will come back to haunt you. I support Maddie and Tae 100% on that, but I do not agree with wishing ill of somebody no matter how much they hurt you.

In conclusion I have to say that, although “Sierra” is most definitely an amazing song it is not perfect. All things considered however I can see myself listening to it an embarrassing number of times in the future.


Is the Fix already in? Voter Fraud has not gone away.

Voter fraud is rapid and these totally electronic voting booths make it easier than ever to cheat!