Satan and Communism brewed from the same stew.

I hate communism as much as I despise Satan. Communism seems the very handmaiden of Satan, himself. It encourages covetousness, thrives on deceit, and lusts for power through theft and murder.
What’s not to love?
The individuals who call themselves Communists, Socialists, Marxists – I don’t hate them.  Why? One reason to not hate but rather to feel compassion for many of them is that the reason they became communists was that they wanted to do good for those they saw as needing their help. Many of these communists, socialists, Marxists believed they were actually doing honest and good work – they did not know and do not know the dark side of what they follow.
Perhaps the best way to further answer that question is to quote from Masters of Deceit in which former FBI director J. Edgar Hoover writes:
“Always we must keep in mind that communists, even hard-core members, potentially can be converted. To the individual who asserts, “Once a communist, always a communist,” I say: “No. Every communist can be made to see the errors of his way. He must not be despised, belittled, or rejected as hopelessly lost. He can redeem himself by actively taking a stand for freedom. Every patriotic American must do what he can to bring these persons to see the truth. The ex-communist is today one of our most potent weapons against communism.” – pg.117, Masters of Deceit.
May I add to the above explanation that former communists reign supreme in my heart as souls of the utmost courage. They left a world that determined to hunt them down out of revenge, and they dared to walk into the sunlight bringing a torch to show us the dark evil they once embraced.
One such beautiful child of God, whom I wish with all my heart to have been able to call friend, was Bella Dodd (
Eternal World Television Network produced the most insightful documentary detailing the inner workings and history of communist infiltration into the Catholic Church. Please get the dvd and watch it – study it – spread it!!!!! (Youtube has it for now – , but please go to EWTN and buy a copy for yourself!
I learned about Bella Dodd in this remarkable documentary. She bravely testified how she personally recruited communists to go into the priesthood. Not a pretty picture and this harmed the good and honorable men who entered the priesthood. But, fear not, you shall know them by their fruits. And the documentary will answer so many questions for those of us who are Catholic – but non Catholics need to see it too because you will see the signs that has happened in your own churches and synagogues!
Bella started life in an intriguing way. It started with a love story. Her father, an
American, happened to visit the Italian village of her mother. Bella’s dad fell in love with a farmer’s widow who was working her farm all on her own while raising her multiple children.
The father wooed her mother and convinced her to leave the farm, marry him, and move to New York. While in the first year in America, her mother received news that she needed to tend business regarding her beloved property in Italy, so off she went on a ship to her homeland.
While on her trip she found out that she was pregnant and had to stay in Italy until baby Bella was born. Not long after the baby was born the mother had to return to America and felt she could not bring the newborn with her. Through a series of problems, the mother had to wait about five years before being able to finally go back to retrieve her little angel. In the mean time, a loving couple took care of her. She grew up in the heart of a land where the Catholic faith was worshiped with great adoration. So when she had to move, her heart broke. And even sadder in
her saga, her parents, though Catholic, drifted away from the faith and did not teach her. So Bella grew up with no grounding in the ways of God.
Along the way in her life’s journey Bella came in and out of seeing people who believed in God and people who despised God. She went to a public school in the days when the public schools said prayers but her instruction was very small. Yet she grew to love America. When a teenager she had an accident that crushed her foot. She suffered months of painful surgery after surgery. But the doctor that cared for her brought her books to help her study in Latin and enabled her to endure the months of being bed ridden. She went on to graduate, get a law license
and become a teacher. In college she slid slowly into socialism which step by step led her to communism until she became a full fledged communist party member. First she went into it with the desire to help those she saw as down trodden. But slowly, as she began to get more deeply involved, she saw the darker side and though it took decades, finally she saw the light and broke free.
Dear Bishop Sheen ( brought her back to the Catholic faith. He personally instructed her, baptized her, took her first confession, gave her first communion, and confirmed her.
As part of her penance, Bishop Sheen instructed her to write her story and to expose the truth about communism in America. She wrote the book, School of Darkness, which can be bought in used book venues and is available in kindle. A good part of her book can be read at this website:
I want every American citizen to read her book. I would quote so much more, but my article would never end! So below are just a few excerpts from her book – may these quotes entice you to find a way to read all she wrote.
Bella, if you are reading my article from sitting next to the Holy Trinity, just know, I so admire you and hope one day every high school student will get the chance to read your story!
Quote from Bella Dodd’s book School of Darkness, pg. 97 — note this book was published in 1954 — :  “Attending conventions took much of my time. No convention of teachers in the United States ever went unnoticed by the Communist Party. The national office would call the leaders of the teacher Communists and discuss with us the nature of the organization and inquire if we had party members in it. If we had, we would decide which resolutions they were to introduce and which they were to oppose. If we had no members, observers would be sent to make contacts.
Particular attention was given to pushing federal aid to public education program and to the issue of separation of church and state at these conventions.”  Quote from Bella Dodd’s book, School of Darkness, pg 165:  “Nancy came from a good Boston family. I knew her mother, Ferdinanda Reed, who was one of the three old ladies who technically owned the Daily Worker, the other two being Anita Whitney and my former tenant in the Village, Susan Woodruff. Ferdinanda had come to
communism intellectually and remained because, like Susan, she never saw its ruthless side.”
From Bella Dodd’s book, School of Darkness, pp 199-200“I spoke with the practiced intensity of long habit but no longer with the old faith in the cause,
for I no longer had the same deep conviction about the Party’s championship of the poor and dispossessed. I knew now that its activities were conceived in duplicity and ended in betrayal.
The sessions of the December National Committee were notable for their long-winded, long-spun-out, and fantastic justification of the line of “self-determination of the Negro in the black belt.” Only the intelligence and patience of Negro leaders in America have made possible resistance to this mischievous theory which was contrived by Stalin and was now unleashed by Foster. Briefly told, it is the theory that the Negroes in the South form a nation, a subjugated nation with the desire to become a free one, and that the Communists are to give them all assistance. The Party proposed to develop the national aspirations of the Negro
people so they would rise up and establish themselves as a nation with the right to secede from the United States. It was a theory not for the benefit of the Negroes but to spur strife, and to use the American Negro in the world communist propaganda campaign to win over the colored people of the world. Ultimately, the Communists proposed to use them as instruments in the revolution to come in the United States.”
Bella Dodd’s 1954 book, School of Darkness, pp. 180-181 — Just read and let it sink  into what is happening today:  “Earl Browder at the convention of 1944 had insisted on the elimination of a sense of difference among the foreign born and had moved to have them treated as part of the American labor movement. To this Professors Berti and Donnini offered strenuous objections.  They emphasized the importance of separate national organizations, of encouraging the foreign-born to use their languages, and of circulating foreign-language newspapers. They encouraged the organizing of different national groups almost as if these were foreign colonies. It would strengthen the sense of nationalism among them, they asserted, a necessary
thing for the building of world communism.
These two Party functionaries found themselves on the carpet for their unwelcome views.  Plans were on foot to expel them. Then, suddenly, came the amazing news that they were members of the Italian Communist Party! Up to this point, like others, I had regarded them as honest but misguided foreigners with a penchant for disputation. Now I realized that nothing they said had been unpremeditated, and that they were not speaking for themselves. They represented the International Communist movement and it was clear that Browder’s approach to the national problem was in disfavor with some sections of world communism.”
From Bella Dodd’s 1954 book School of Darkness. pp228-229 — the pieces of the puzzle, read and ponder — and get her book!:
“I found I was again able to interpret events. In my time with the Party I had accumulated a large store of information about people and events, and often these had not fitted into the picture presented by the Party to its members. It was as if I held a thousand pieces of a jigsaw puzzle and could not fit them together. It irritated me, but when I thought of the testimony of witnesses before the Congressional Committee, some of whom I had known as Communists,
much of the true picture suddenly came into focus. My store of odd pieces was beginning to develop into a recognizable picture.
There had been many things I had not really understood. I had regarded the Communist Party as a poor man’s party, and thought the presence of certain men of wealth within it accidental.
I now saw this was no accident. I regarded the Party as a monolithic organization with the leadership in the National Committee and the National Board. Now I saw this was only a facade placed there by the movement to create the illusion of the poor man’s party; it was in. reality a device to control the “common man” they so raucously championed.
There were many parts of the puzzle which did not fit into the Party structure. Parallel organizations which I had dimly glimpsed now became more clearly visible, and their connections with the apparatus I knew became apparent. As the war in Korea developed, further illumination came to me.
We in the Party had been told in 1945, after the publication of the Duclos letter, that the Party in the United States would have a difficult role to play. Our country, we were told, would be the last to be taken by the Communists; the Party in the United States would often find itself in opposition not only to the interests of our government, but even against the interests of our own workers.
Now I realized that, with the best motives and a desire to serve the working people of my country, I, and thousands like me, had been led to a betrayal of these very people. I now saw that I had been poised on the side of those who sought the destruction of my own country.  I thought of an answer Pop Mindel, of the Party’s Education Bureau, had once given me in reply to the question whether the Party would oppose the entry of our boys into the Army. I had asked this question at a time when the Communists were conducting a violent campaign for peace, and it seemed reasonable to me to draw pacifist conclusions. Pop Mindel sucked on
his pipe and with a knowing look in his eyes said:
“Well, if we keep our members from the Army, then where will our boys learn to use weapons with which to seize power?”
What now became clear to me was the collusion of these two forces: the Communists with their timetable for world control, and certain mercenary forces in the free world bent on making profit from blood.”
The last page (250) of Bella Dodd’s book School of Darkness. Tell me that it does not speak of today. Tell me that you could not see the returning soldiers of today being of the same material of which she wrote back in 1954:
“That evening I had stayed so late in answering questions that Father O’Brien asked three young men to drive me to the train in New London. As we rode through the Connecticut hills it began to snow. I asked the young man who was driving what he was going to do after graduation. “Serve Uncle Sam, I guess,” he replied. In his voice was no bitterness, no resentment — and I thought with sudden sadness of his possible future and that of all our young people. Then one of the boys said quietly, “Why don’t we say the rosary for peace?” He started the Credo and there in the darkness of that country road, with the soft snow falling, we said the rosary for peace.
I was aware as I rode home that night that men such as these can change the world for the better, so much were they filled with love, so selfless was their zeal. I know that even if the Communists were sincere in the glittering promises they make, they would be incapable of fulfilling them for they cannot create the kind of men needed for the task. Whatever apparent good the Communists have achieved has come through human beings who despite the harsh materialism taught them still retained a memory of God and who, even without realizing it,
drew on the eternal standards of truth and justice. But their store of such men is dwindling, and in spite of their apparent victories men schooled in darkness are doomed to defeat.
New armies of men are rising, and these are sustained not by the Communist creed but by the credo of Christianity. And I am keenly conscious that only a generation of men so devoted to God that they will heed his command, “Love one another as I have loved you,” can bring peace to our world.”

Teach and NOT Indoctrinate? Don’t be Crazy! It is what is expected of educators.

Teachers today who genuinely want to teach instead of just  indoctrinating young minds into the  “Proper Politically Correctness way of Acceptance and Embracement” are being squeezed out. COMMON CORE speeds up the process of demoralizing the good ones. Other teachers are just misguided, let’s face it, the public schools and the colleges have indoctrinated them by the government sanctions education they received themselves!

But something very, very important looms across our country – more important than teaching nonsense in our schools. Elites in many levels of academia and government think they know best and want to completely close parents off from any jurisdiction over their own children.

An organization– The Parental Rights Organization – has been working long and hard to pass parental rights legislation in individual states. They also move forward with efforts to add parental rights to the Constitution. (Please go to their website to learn more:

To the teachers out there who feel demoralized, unappreciated, held back on giving your true knowledge to those you teach – take heart. Countless small private schools are blossoming throughout the country and many former teachers with your heart have found ways to use their love of teaching in entrepreneurial ways. Hint – homeschoolers abound who want help from good teachers and they pay for it!

Let me leave you with a bit of hope:  Marva Collins, who is a heroine of mine.

She held in her gifted hands children from the projects and she taught them the classical method and taught them Western Civilization and the children under her charge grew in happiness and success. So much for “socio-economic” excuse regarding failures of certain public schools!

Here is an excerpt from an article about her found at Wikipedia:

Dismayed at the low levels of learning that she felt some students were experiencing in particular areas, Collins took $5,000 (a large sum of money at that time) from her own teacher’s retirement fund and started a private school in the top floors of the brownstone in the West Garfield Park neighborhood where she lived in 1975.[3]

The school she started was called Westside Preparatory School. Westside Prep became an educational and commercial success.[5] Collins created her low-cost private school specifically for the purpose of teaching low-income black children whom Collins felt that the Chicago Public School System had labeled as being learning disabled.[6] Collins said she had the data to prove that students were teachable and were able to overcome obstacles of learning via her teaching methods, which she said eliminated behavioral issues and allowed students to flourish.[7]

The one-room schoolhouse of her education influenced her methods. At home her father gave her assignments she believed built her confidence and gave her a sense of responsibility. She felt time spent with students was more valuable than distance-creating audio visual information.[8]

Collins and her daughter ran the school for more than 30 years until it closed in 2008 citing  funding as one of the chief reasons.[2][5] (


Go to youtube and look up Marva Collins.

               You will be inspired to pick up the pitchfork and storm your state capital.

*** No more excuses, no more barring parents from their kids – time to enable our future generations to thrive in a country of openness, honesty, and true education.***

Audit Classes? See what and how your kids are learning? Why would you want to?

Well, well, well 

      I just called my local radio station this morning and suggested that the listeners pressures their state elected officials to pass legislation to allow parents to audit any and all classes their children attend from Pre-K to graduate school.
Two callers later a woman came screeching over the airwaves questioning my sanity.
Hmm – perhaps next week I will call in and suggest the listeners go to Discover the Networks and look up “academia” and the “NEA”:

Academia:      (

NEA:        (

I wonder if the wise and wonderful screeching banshee would respond?

Just asking.

Perhaps the woman misunderstood me, perhaps she thought I wanted the parents to hire accountants to audit the classes and teachers. Allow me to ease her anxiety, can’t have any snowflakes in academia, now can we?
What I meant was that every parent should be given the right to sit in on any and all classes they wanted to for as many times as they want. The parents would be forbidden from interrupting or interfering— but they can listen, they can take notes, and they can tape the class.
I include this with state-funded college IF the parents are paying the bill! Right now there is some kind of law out there that college staff can’t even talk to the parents without the permission of the student!
So, what’s the big deal? Why should parents be allowed to sit in the classroom?
Let me tell you a true story of someone I know. My friend believed in the public school system. She is a very caring and doting mother. She graduated with a high degree – beyond a masters – let’s just leave it at that. So off she went with her little boy of six for his first day of class. She intended to take him straight to his classroom and to meet his new teacher.
Uh – something happened – the officials of the school blocked her at the entrance. Smiling and cordial, they took the boy’s hand and told her thank you that they would take him to class and she can pick up in the afternoon.
When I was little my mom actually volunteered to help in my classes and she was WELCOMED AND APPRECIATED. But those days are long gone until state and federal legislatures return to parents their right (God given right) to direct the education of their children!
Back to my friend and her son. Let’s call the little tyke David (not his real name). One day in class the teacher asked the children who their personal hero was. David happily and proudly announced that Jesus Christ was his personal hero. He was ready to say more but was shut down by the children and the TEACHER laughing at him!

Still think my idea is insane?

Here is a story about a little Texas girl who did not allow her teacher to bully her into denouncing Christ:

Excerpt from an article at The Blaze:

Wooley said when she arrived at the phrase “There is a God” she responded with two answers.

“I said it was fact or opinion,” she said.

According to the seventh grade student, her teacher told her the answers were wrong and demanded she say God isn’t real. /
Here is a link to the little brave one’s testimony:

Fox News Insider:

James Bond in High Heels(or I wanted to be a spy but came a mom instead).

I wanted to be a spy, or a foreign correspondent. Never, never, never, would I accept the career of stay-at-home mom! So when my mom tried to teach me to cook and clean  I just brushed it off.  After all, “What do I need those skills for?”, was my thinking.   I was going to hire people to do that for me since my career was going to be so much more important than (~ Shudder ~)dusting, scrubbing, and stirring, mixing,baking and frying!!!
Off to college I pranced. All set to experience all the world of academia had to offer.  Seeking adventure and newprint in my blood, everything would lay out before me once I crossed that stage and recieved my degree. A good Democrat and  Feminist,  that was me and I was going to show the world who I was, the Spy and the Writer!
Ah, what happened along the way surely confounded my well laid plans at every turn. I worked at the college paper and started seeing how the people in charge of a  paper were callous towards others, (their interviews, witness, resouces, etc) and were willing to expose their sources to termoil if it meant a more exciting headline.  It was very disconcerting to my nieve self.  Additionally I worked at a bar part time that the paper’s staff frequented.  I saw how they came in and had no problem getting beer for free from a bartender they knew and were generally mooching when ever they could. Hmm. What happened to journalistic integrity?
Oh well, shrug that off. It’s just a bunch of college kids being kids – right?
After graduation from journalism school I could not find a job. I was told how stupid I was to just major in journalism. I should have majored in something else that was marketable and maybe just minored in journalism. ~sigh
I had to eat and no options openning up.  So I had to ~ horrors!~ take a job out of my field . I had to became a secretary! I felt  ashamed, like I had betrayed my fellowsisters in arms! Would they every forgive me for selling out my journalist integraty?!?
But, as life would have it, that was when my real education began! The wisest, most life skilled, and street smart people I got to know were the old time secretaries at my new job. One was a plucky little lady of Italian heritage. As my boss she cut me no slack – so often wagging her cupped hand at me and saying, “I’m a gonna kicka you ass”.
I loved that woman! She looked out for me. She taught me so much. We had lunches in her office and she’d tell me about life growing up and how when she was a secretary in the old days she would take her time carefully typing stacks and stacks of papers. Her co workers would laugh at her as they sped through their work and then cry at the end of the day as she left them to go home. You see, they made mistakes and she didn’t.
This job was in an agency that worked with foreign service officers. All the higher up foreign service officers loved her and loyally looked out for her. Why? Because when they were young newbies, she looked out for them. She knew the ins and outs and advised them how to climb the ladder.  My boss had so much courage that stood taller than her five foot nothing frame could explain. She stood up to her boss more than once on my account. She even told off the director of the agency once because he did not thank me for something. The director was one of the guys who loyally loved her dearly.
This little lady told me so many important stories. She worked because her husband left her. She took her baby to work with her after hours. The tiny tyke helped her in the office. In this way she was able to teach and bond and do what she could to raise her baby close and safe.  One time I went home with her and helped her prepare for some function. I delighted in watching and helping her make home made FRENCH BREAD! She just whizzed through her kitchen making meals that would make world renowned chefs envy her mastery.
I never did become a spy or a foreign correspondent. Along the way I fell in love with one man and we had  three kids. Even after I got married, I still intended to work outside of the home, but six months after my honeymoon I found out that I was pregnant. Then an undercover news story aired that showed what happens to children in daycare. That was the moment I decided to be a stay at home mom.
Uh-oh – I can’t cook! I can’t clean!
What am I going to do? No one deserves to have a mom that can’t be a mom!
Well, I managed to get by somehow. My husband endured burnt steak, overcooked rice, and my “Lucy moments.” One time I cooked way too much spaghetti and tried to hide it by stuffing it all down the garbage disposal. He found out – I clogged the pipes – they burst – and he had to fix it!
He didn’t kill me. I’m kind of grateful for that.
My husband, ever the military mind set – he knew how to look a situation squarely and plotted the strategy to defeat the menace – he decided to teach my kids how to clean! I surrendered and accepted defeat – so I regrouped and figured how to teach my kids to be good goops. I found videos on cooking and they taught themselves. Julia Childs is their hero.
Ladies, don’t fall for the feminist lies. Being a “June Cleaver” is honorable and good – and very skilled.
I should have observed and admired my mom. She held a household down, reared three well-fed kids and kept my dad very happy. And she read to me and she rocked me, and she kept tabs on my education.
Once she actually got a job so she could help bring money into the household. My mom and dad needed that money. It was not to get that extra cash for a fancy vacation. But I manipulated her with my words. At three, I blurted out at the dinner table that mommy does not love us because she handed us over to another lady to take care of us.
The next day my mom quit her job. Do you not see the irony? My mom sacrificed to stay home for me because of my bratty comment – yet I grew up believing that I was too good to even learn what she did that made me want her to stay home with me!
So today I admire every woman, whether she stays home or works outside the home – if she can manage to make meals for her family and keep her home warm and cozy.
But why did my mom not push me to build home making skills?
I think my mom bought into the feminist lies that she should somehow feel ashamed of having and using those skills! You see, during the seventies the propaganda pumped into the women’s magazines. Read Spin Sisters: How the Women of the Media Sell Unhappiness — and Liberalism — to the Women of America by Myrna Blyth ( The author worked in those women’s magazines and she reveals all the secrets and methods of the female left in media.
Speaking of spying – Two great scenes show women of power who just the skills I once rejected. First, in Sword of Gideon, Golda Meir brings in food for awe struck Israeli special forces. The men are tasked to go after the Munich terrorists. They sit in her living room like young boys respectfully listening to their grandmother. Golda gives them fruit and cheese and sits with them telling them why they have to complete this mission. They listen to her with seriousness and a special kind of love. The second scene comes from James Bond – I’m not the greatest James Bond fan, but this particular scene I love – Margaret Thatcher talks to James Bond on the phone while she is deftly working in the kitchen, cool, bright and smiling with her apron and hair and makeup all well in place, in the background a happy husband reaches for one of her creations and she slaps his hand – he remains a happy fellow –
( . Now those are iron ladies!

What would be left undone?

Ever feel like George Bailey, standing at the bridge, looking over at the icy water
contemplating why not end it and how everyone around you would have been better off if you had never been born? Look over to the side, who is that little man, smiling knowingly at George?
Oh, that’s his guardian angel. Funny thing about guardian angels – they know us more than we can ever know ourselves. They see into our hearts, they know our pasts and they know our futures.
Are you a mother that feels like you did not read enough to your kids? A student who feels like you let your parents down by goofing off too much in college? A kid who tries hard, but just can’t seem to make those grades? Or an athlete who just cant seem to perform as well in the sport you want? Perhaps you were always unkind to others around you.
Let me tell you a story. While in college I had my ups and downs. Some of those downs seemed below the gutter. I had a friend who did everything right. She made straight A’s – every test from kindergarten up to her last year in college. One test in that last year she received a B. She went on a very angry drinking spree. I witnessed it. I walked from bar to bar as she drank and drank and drank – and even threw a beer bottle onto the street in uncontrolled rage. That was the moment that I felt so grateful for all those Ds, Cs, and Fs I endured.

Many a time I have felt like George – standing at the bridge – contemplating leaving this world to save all those I loved from my nonsense. Yet my Angel stood behind me and whispered “It’s ok, this will pass, hold on.”

And he was right.

Let’s look at some “Georges”. Oscar Schindler would seem the opposite of George,
wouldn’t he. George sacrificed all his life for the ones he loved. The trouble he found himself in was not his fault, yet he lost hope and could not see all that he meant to so many souls. Clarence had to show him the truth about himself – the good truth. Schindler, on the other hand, what a party animal! He knew how to scam the most clever of characters. He cared about no one but himself. And yet, even he had his angel. His angel forced him to see evil and placed him in the
right spot at the right time. His angel knew that Schindler had the skills necessary to save countless souls from the gas chambers. Dear Oscar, in the end he broke down with grief over all he did not save! But, I’m sure his angel was waiting for him when he died and comforted him with the knowledge that God was pleased with his valiant efforts.
Anyone who goes through life without at least one regret is either lying to himself or blindly stupid. We are meant to stumble, we are meant to fall into grief – because we are meant to overcome and become stronger – like steel forged by fire!

The key is to resist the whispers of Satan and his little helpers – demons given to you for
torment and temptation. Listen to your Angel.

Do you know the story of Steven Stayner? He was a child abducted by the most evil man

– a sadistic pedophile. The monster told Steven that his parents didn’t want him and that they

weren’t looking for him. Steven believed the monster. Little did the boy understand that his
parents were tirelessly looking for him. He finally escaped – but not for himself – he finally
risked it all because of a fresh little boy who the demon kidnaped – the little victim became a
hero for a younger victim. (

Satan is like the pedophile and God is like Steven’s father. God wants us to be good, but He
never wants us to fall into despair. He wants us to find our way home and He wants us to know
that He is actively watching out for us. Why do you think He gave us each our own angel?

See that you despise not one of these little ones: for I say to you, that their angels in
heaven always see the face of my Father who is in heaven. – Matthew 18:10

Let’s look at Scrooge. We all know and remember him as the mean, old tyrant who
pinched every penney til it screamed and treated his fellow man with great disdain. Yet how did
the story end – he joyfully spent the rest of his days helping everyone he could and became a
loving uncle to Tiny Tim.

Whatever your lot in life – whatever your mistakes or failings – you can turn them around

– you can be that shoulder to lean on for another you may not know yet.
At the very end of Jesus’ passion on the cross the worst of robbers became a saint.
Dismas hung on a cross next to Jesus and he asked Jesus to just remember him when He went to
Heaven. Jesus, though wracked with pain, turned to Dismas and assured him that he would go to
Heaven as soon as he drew his last breath. (

Take time to buy a copy of Screwtape Letters. C.S. Lewis uses a creative devise of
teaching us about the Good Angels and the Bad Angels through the use of letters from a senior demon to his student. ( wiki/The_Screwtape_Letters)

Read it again and again. Read it and then write your impressions to the editor of this newspaper. Share your insight for another you may never know.

As for dear George Bailey – after he had calmed down and counted his blessings he realized he had a, “Wonderful Life”!

A formula for success in academia.

As all seems lost, as evil encroaches at our very door – we need not fear it – we need only to calmly prepare.
Evil is on its last gasp. It knows what most do not know – it will never win.
There is a beautiful and funny movie about a convent that teaches young high school girls in the 1960s. The movie’s title was “The Trouble with Angels.”
My favorite scene in the movie is when the Mother Superior dukes it out with a professor of a progressive private school.
In this scene, Mother Superior (played by Rosalind Russell), ticks off all the failings of the progressive education that she and her staff have to rectify with great patience. The principal brashly counters that his school has all the brilliant academic minds on his side. She coyly smiles back at him and quietly remarks, “God is on ours.”
So, while the battle plans are being finalized up in Heaven, we on Earth must consult our “superiors” for our immediate assignments.
One of the assignments I believe we are to work on is what to do when we have won. And, WE WILL WIN.
First on the “to do list” is take down the centralized education system. Time to recapture what made our nation so successful before the Left got its grubby hands on academics:
1. Take federal money out of the equations from pre-K to graduate school and beyond – NO FEDERAL MONEY
2. Take state money out also.
3. Return to small community schools where the parents could actually walk to the schools and be involved with the children.
4. Back to phonics
5. Back to the classics (AND I DON’T MEAN CATCHER IN THE RYE)
Here is a start – a good list of good books:
Hand That Rocks the Cradle: 400 Classic Books for Children by Nathaniel Bluedorn –

6. Back to memorization of facts in math, history, geography, grammar and spelling
7. Back to studying the Bible and the Constitution and the lives of the Founding Fathers
8. End truancy laws – make it the responsibility of parents to ensure their kids get an education 9. Community schools should be run like any small private school.
As for colleges – pull their funding – let their professors scramble to find a way to fund the school. This will take away all the time they have to foment protests that do nothing but create chaos.
If a brilliant angel like Marva Collins can create academic success in the projects – why can’t we? We only need the right formula.
So, to end this short little column today, I give you some links to lead you to understanding what has been happening to our education, what our education used to be, and one person, (Marva Collins) who knew what to do with even the most disadvantaged child in order to lift him up into heavenly happiness.
Information from Discover the Networks on Academia:
The Lost Tools of Learning:
Marva Collins:
60 Minutes:
Part 1:
Part 2:

We all NEED to fight like Warriors, not follow like sheep!

Troops! Stop complaining and start fighting. I mean really fighting. Spartan fighting.
In ancient Greece the Spartans – 300 men – the special forces of the day – held off the might of Persia. Outnumbered, Leonidas and his men told Xerxes’ diplomat to “Come and take” when the Persian demanded they lay down their weapons. One of Leonidas’ men laughed at the diplomat’s threat of how the Persians would launch so many arrows that they would blot out the sun – the legendary Spartan retorted; “Then we shall fight in the shade”.  This is the kind of bravado that America was know for in the past, a “Can do Will do” attitude!
The American heritage drew upon Greece and Rome and learned so much along with the Bible.
We never used to worry about offending our enemies – we worried about offending God, our enemies we mocked.
“Come and take” came at least twice in American history. Wikipedia details the history of “Come and take it” (
Here is an excerpt about an incident in the American Revolution:
“ Fort Morris was constructed in Sunbury by the authority of the Continental Congress. A contingent of British soldiers attempted to take the fort on November 25, 1778. The American contingent at Fort Morris was led by Colonel John McIntosh (c. 1748-1826).[1] The Americans numbered only 127 Continental soldiers plus militiamen and local citizens. The fort itself was crudely constructed and could not have withstood any concerted attack.
The British commander, Colonel Fuser, demanded Fort Morris’ surrender through a written note to the American rebels. Though clearly outnumbered (he had only about 200 men plus artillery), Colonel McIntosh’s defiant written response to the British demand included the following line: “As to surrendering the fort, receive this laconic reply: COME AND TAKE IT!”. The British declined to attack, in large part due to their lack of intelligence regarding other forces in the area. Colonel Fuser believed a recent skirmish in the area, combined with Colonel McIntosh’s bravado, might have reflected reinforcements and so the British withdrew.
The British returned in January 1779 with a larger force. They later conquered and controlled nearly all of Georgia for the next few years.[2] Col. McIntosh’s defiance was one successful and heroic event which inspired the patriots as the War moved to the Carolinas and then north.”
All Texans love the flag of a cannon with the words, “Come and take it!” This is why. The battle of Gonzolez.
Santa Anna’s army marched on the small Texan town of Gonzolez to take seize their cannon.

The town’s people chose to emphatically say, “NO”.
Here is just part of the story as printed in Wikipedia:
With the darkness and fog, Mexican soldiers could not estimate how many men had
surrounded them. They withdrew 300 yards (meters) to a nearby bluff. At about 6 am, Texians emerged from the trees and began firing at the Mexican soldiers. Lieutenant Gregorio Pérez counterattacked with 40 mounted soldiers. The Texians fell back to the trees and fired a volley, injuring a Mexican private. According to some accounts, the cannon fell out of the wagon upon the shot. Unable to safely maneuver among the trees, the Mexican horsemen returned to the bluff.[25]  As the fog lifted, Castañeda sent Smither to request a meeting between the two commanders.  Smither was promptly arrested by the Texians, who were suspicious of his presence among the Mexican soldiers.[25] Nevertheless, Moore agreed to meet Castañeda. Moore explained that  his followers no longer recognized the centralist government of Santa Anna and instead  remained faithful to the Constitution of 1824, which Santa Anna had repudiated. Castañeda  revealed that he shared their federalist leanings, but that he was honor-bound to follow orders.[1]  As Moore returned to camp, the Texians raised a homemade white banner with an image of the cannon painted in black in the center, over the words “Come and Take It”.[1] The makeshift flag evoked the American Revolutionary-era slogan “Don’t Tread on Me”.[26]  Texians then fired their cannon at the Mexican camp. Realizing that he was outnumbered and outgunned, Castañeda led his troops back to San Antonio de Béxar. The troops were gone before the Texians finished reloading. In his report to Ugartechea, Castañeda wrote “since the orders from your Lordship were for me to withdraw without compromising the honor of Mexican arms, I did so”.[1]
And one last example of American defiance. The Battle of the Bulge – one general told off the Nazi tank commander who surrounded them at Bastogne.
Again, I can’t do better than the account at Wikipedia:
By 21 December the Germans had surrounded Bastogne, which was defended by the 101st Airborne Division, the all African American 969th Artillery Battalion, and Combat Command B of the 10th Armored Division. Conditions inside the perimeter were tough—most of the medical supplies and medical personnel had been captured. Food was scarce, and by 22 December artillery ammunition was restricted to 10 rounds per gun per day. The weather cleared the next day, however, and supplies (primarily ammunition) were dropped over four of the next five days.[96]
Despite determined German attacks, however, the perimeter held. The German commander, Generalleutnant (Lt. Gen.) Heinrich Freiherr von Lüttwitz,[97] requested Bastogne’s surrender.[98] When Brig. Gen. Anthony McAuliffe, acting commander of the 101st, was told of the Nazi demand to surrender, in frustration he responded, “Nuts!” After turning to other pressing issues, his staff reminded him that they should reply to the German demand. One officer, Lt. Col. Harry Kinnard, noted that McAuliffe’s initial reply would be “tough to beat.”
Thus McAuliffe wrote on the paper, which was typed up and delivered to the Germans, the line he made famous and a morale booster to his troops: “NUTS!”[99] That reply had to be explained, both to the Germans and to non-American Allies.[g]
Do you see a pattern here? Even facing certain torture and death, we Americans are people who have resistance in our blood, in our DNA. That is whether we were descended from the Indians –or fresh off the boat from a country that we left because we wanted the freedom of America – we are fighters – we need to remember that.
Though we must be kind and merciful, we never should submit to tyranny and always be willing to give evil a good whack. Our kids need to see us stand up for them.
There is a time to be reasonable. You don’t make a fuss over a test if you think the test was too hard for your kid. But you do resist with all your might against a school demanding that your kid-sit in on sexually explicit indoctrination or any other uses that go against your values. And demand that you have the right to home-school, demand that you have the right to be involved in your child’s education.
Don’t give into schools when they tell you that you don’t know what is best for your child. You are the parent – assert your authority. You don’t want Common Core – stop it – fight it with the intent of ending it. Don’t accept that they have won for now – IT IS NEVER OVER. But don’t stop your defiance at the school play ground – let’s go into the realm of the courts.
A judge rules in a way that you don’t like – fight to get that judge impeached.
The Freedom From Religion Foundation threatens your town to sue you if you don’t give up your Nativity – LAUNCH A CLASS ACTION SUIT AGAINST THEM!
Fight the gatekeepers on the news media. Challenge their bias and dishonesty – get around them!
Start your own news service.
Your elected officials – you don’t have to call their office and yell and scream. Try to feel them out. Are they on your side? Or are they just saying what they think you want to hear. Look at their voting record. Send them pointed questions for them to answer. If they don’t show a backbone against the Left – or if they seem to be siding with legislation that you find abhorrent to our freedom – start working with others to find the political Spartans – those who will fight and not give a damn about being liked by the “in crowd.”
There was this scene in an old show called Picket Fences. I loved that show. It was set in a small town. The dad was a sheriff and the mom was a feisty little lady. One day her two boys were in the principal’s office for getting into a fight. The mother went into the meeting with full intention of supporting the principal in punishing her sons for misbehavior. But as the story unfolded, she found out that her kids fought because some bullies had tried to rough up the younger son. The older son tried to reason with the brutes, but they threatened him too. Too bad, the sons knew martial arts and used their skills to beat the crap out of the bullies. When the mom realized the truth, she stood up and told the principal if he had any further problems with their family members, just know that they ALL WERE BLACK BELTS.
No matter what happens in this upcoming election – it is never over. We must be watchful, we must be ever understanding of the difference between good and evil, and we must calmly confront those who would take our freedom.

Who will toss the first stone? I WILL I WILL I WILL!!!

How did David kill Goliath? Smooth stones and a sling but also with great faith in the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, and knowledge of good and evil.

Time to start gathering the stones.

Red diaper baby, David Horowitz (and his name is David!) grew up the son of two treasonous Americans who thought Stalin had the right idea of molding a society. Yes, his foolish parents threw away their heritage of freedom for the prospect of destroying our country within so they could be the elite in the new Communist satellite of America. David grew up a true believer but things happened along the way that woke him up to the reality of what he supported. It simmered for awhile, but once he fully comprehended the truth – God used him in amazing ways. Horowitz is my hero. You can read his bio at wikipedia (  (I will use Wikipedia quite a lot within this article.) A must first read in your quest to find out what has lead us down this nightmare we live in now is to walk down memory lane with David in his autobiography, Radical Son. And after that, get your hands on every book you can find written by this wonderful man.

I’m not through. David started organizations that are the spears to thrust into the enemies of our freedom.

David Horowitz Freedom Center (

Front Page Magazine

He has created so much that I can’t possibly cover it all in a million articles!

I love this man.

Anyway, David created his greatest weapon in the form of a free website that rivals any encyclopedia. The name of this website fits the usefulness so well – Discover the Networks (

Here is the scoop on Discover from Wikipedia: (

Let me note that the leftist organization, Southern Poverty Law Center, takes great pains to slander Discover the Networks – but oh, my, Discover has a few enlightening things to say about SPLC! (

For years I have used Discover the Networks to enlighten friends (as well as myself) and to give important information to my elected officials on people and organizations and even movements.

Discover the Networks gives us a lifetime supply of stones to use against our enemies.

So how do we use this wonderful site?

Look at the front page:

The page shows a web with topics:




Arts and Culture







Defining the Left

And finally – a link to just what David’s latest project has been – The Black Book of the American Left:

Are we out of breath yet?

I can not stress strongly enough how valuable David’s website is!

For example – today I read on Breitbart about ISIS murdering a priest in France ( Let’s see – is ISIS on Discover the Networks? YES (

Here is another item near and dear to my heart – the war on Christmas (

How about that wild and crazy new national holiday forced upon us? Earth Day (

I keep hearing about George Soros – who is this dude? (

I could go on and on and on – but I want YOU to go on and on and on – reading and studying and printing and creating a library of knowledge packed away in your file cabinet ready to pass on to anyone and everyone you want to influence and educate.

I believe in the depths of my heart that God gave us David Horowitz. Use what David has built for us and gather those stones ready to slay Goliath!

Usually for $50 I get more than bad parking!!!

The July 4th Tim McGraw concert in Wildwood encountered some weather related problems, that it started spreading rumors of “Concert Cancellation”  and the 80,000 that the local economy expected and counting on became maybe 20,000 bodies. But hey as long as the local parking lots were able to gouge the tourists with up to $50 parking fees everyone was happy.


Hey, Mayor Troiano what happened to actually being  FAMILY FRIENDLY ?